Reactions, Anger, Pain

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3rd person POV:

The morning after a certain dark haired males birthday, said boy awakens on the horrid dirty floor of his room, with pain resonating all through his body. Blinking his eyes to adjust to the light in the room he is kept in, like a prisoner, the realisation that he no longer needs his glasses startle him up right. This action, not only causes a wave of nausea, but a sharp stabbing pain shooting down his back and chest. Harry, unbeknownst to himself, had gone through his creature inheritance and had grown a few new appendages. These being amazingly soft wings, covered in softer pastel blue shades (they were a sight to behold), two bold black horns, and a tail covered in blue scales and white spines. To say he looked different was an understatement, he was unrecognisable.

After gaining his bearings, the young boy started to panic. How would he hide these changes from his 'family'? If they knew, he would get a beating for sure, no questions about it. Over the course of the next five minutes, scenarios ran wild in his mind, causing Harry to panic. However, the sound of tapping caught his attention. Something was at his windows and trying to get in. After calming down from his near panic attack, Harry ventured to his window and opened the warn out curtains. There in the dark sky was a black tawny owl, with a letter attached to its leg. As quickly and as quietly as he could, Harry opened the window, allowing the owl access to his room. The owl flew in and perched on Harry's outstretched arm. This action allowed Harry the ability to unravel the letter around the leg of the midnight black owl. Something about the owl brought a sense of hope to Harry, the feeling of freedom. He didn't know why but it comforted him and diminished any panic left running around his mind.

Opening the letter, helped answer a few of the questions Harry had running around after noticing his new appearance. After feeding the owl one of Hedwigs treats, Harry started to read the letter provided by the beautiful owl. The letter started with

Dear Mister Potter,

It has recently come to our attention at Gringotts Bank, that you have come into your creature inheritance. We request a meeting with  you to discuss your inheritance, your lord and heir ships, and the properties under your name.

Furthermore, we would also like to talk about the money withdrawals from your accounts here at Gringotts.

This letter acts as a port key. Just hold the letter and say the word ' serpent'

We hope to see you as son as possible


After reading the letter, Harry jumped up off the bed and ran around his room packing his trunk with his Hogwarts robes, books, homework and wand. Once packed, Harry let Hedwig out and shrunk her cage, along with his trunk, watching as Hedwig and the tawny owl flew off. It was only then, did Harry realise what time it was. it was nearing 4:30 am and his family wouldn't be up for another few hours, making it easier for him to leave. Clutching the letter in hand he left the Dursleys house hold and went to wait for the night bus, to head to the Leaky Cauldron as the bank wouldn't be open for another three hours.


Authors Note:

I would like to apologise for my absence on Wattpad,  it is jus my life has been hectic for the past few years, with GCSE's, starting college and work. Plus other family matters, I have not had much time to log on and continue my books. However, I hope to be able to update my book and start other books more then I have in the past. I didn't mean to leave for such a prolonged period of time without warning. I'm sorry. 

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