The Tantrum

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Draco's POV

Time tables had been given out this morning at breakfast, after giving it a once over I put it away and continued my conversation with my friends. Hadrian's hand was secured in mine and I was content with rubbing my thumb in a circular motion on the back of his hand. His head was leaned against my shoulder as he and pansy were deep in a conversation about plants.  As breakfast was coming to an end. Hadrian and the rest of the group got up and we headed down to the dungeons.

While we were waiting for Snape to open the door to the class, an annoying high pitched noise could be heard coming down the stairs. No award to those who guessed where or more like who the sound came from. Within seconds two out of three of the annoying trio could be sen walking down the hall, followed by the annoyed and disgruntled faces of many other griffindors.

Neville seemed the most annoyed as the two brats continued screeching. Thankfully Snape had opened the door to the class just as the brats arrived. No one hesitate to wait and listen to their pointless conversations, so we all hurried into the room and towards the benches.

No one wanted to piss of the already pissy potions teacher so we walked in as quietly and as quickly as possible. After the lesson, the rest of the day went by smoothly, that is until the annoying trio decided to try and pick a fight with Blaise and Pansy. This was gonna be interesting.

Hadrian's POV:

These brats where really trying to pick a fight with one of the most sassy girls I know and one of the most protective people I know. Ron was spitting insults that would make Dudley look like an intelligent member of society. The face Ron was pulling reminded me of that of bald gibbon that had been shot with 150 volts of electricity.

Let's not forget Hermione. She was backing Ron up and spitting facts that weren't correct. Her curly mop of unwashed hair was as appealing as a birds abandoned nest. The deafing sound of her banshee screech was enough to make your ears bleed. While the last brat was standing next to her brother

Ginny was attempting to flaunt her body, which didn't work. Her obnoxious make up was not blended together correctly and the shade of lipstick she chose allowed her to accurately recreate that of a clowns face paint.

This fight was going no where. Pansy and Blaise where over this pathetic tantrum they were currently having hurdled at them. I myself, was getting really bored of their little paddy that was drawing the attention of everyone walking past. I was finding it hard to keep calm over their annoying screams. As calmly as I could installed over to Blaise and Pansy, grabbed their hands and started walking away.

We made it 6 feet before the youngest banshee screeched at us about being weak and scared. How we couldn't even take a 'truthful' set of words sent our way. Before I could slap them in the face and call them out for their pittyful attempts to piss us off and get a reaction out of us, Dray walked passed me and told them they were immature to think that school yard taunts would get a reaction out of us.

We simple turned around and left them behind as they were impersonating fish gasping for air. Chuckles could be heard by the audience their paddy had attracted. As we left the yard we heard the cries of a certain ginger brat and the louder giggles of the remaining students.

As we walked back into the castle, Neville, Luna, and the rest of the non Slytherin's in our group joined us as we headed to the Great hall for dinner.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

Dinner had finished and we were now heading  towards the common room where we had decided to play some monopoly for the rest of the evening. Although we had a few hiccups today, I would say that it was a good start to the year.

Author's note:
I know it has been awhile since I've updated and I have no excuse other then I had no motivation

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