Surprising News

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Hadrian's POV

Over the course of the last 4 weeks, m family and I have become closer, getting to know each other and creating memories for all the time we had been separated. Furthermore, Draco and I have become great friends. When I'm not with my family, I'm with him, in either the library, one of our rooms or outside in the gardens. I finally have the friends and family I have dreamt about for years.

However, whenever I am with Draco, I can feel butterflies swirl in my stomach. I enjoy his presence and his calming voice. Whatever he does, it makes me feel calm and comfortable, like I'm finally at peace. I haven't told anyone yet but I'm beginning to think  might confront my parents about this feeling.

------------Time Skip-------------

I've decided to talk to my parents about this weird feeling I've had when ever I'm near Draco. I hope they can help me understand what this feeling is, because I don't know whether it's serious. 

After calling them down from their room, I had the sit down opposite from me and began to explain what I had been feeling. We had a long discussion, before coming to the conclusion that Draco may be my mate. There are only two ways to determine if this is correct, ask to do a mate spell, which is similar to that of the blood test, or see if he is feeling the same way I am. Being completely honest both ways would be best, as it would provide a solid answer to my question and predicament.

Draco's POV:

I can't get him out of my head, he consumes every thought I have. Hadrian with his adorable  face, cute button nose and stunning eyes. No matter what I'm doing, Hadrian always seems to infect my thoughts, causing me to stop what 'm doing, injure myself, or drop what I had been holding. Although it has caused me to bruise myself multiple times, I wouldn't change or have it stopped.

I think my parents have caught onto me having a problem or addiction with the small beauty. They keep giving me knowing looks and glancing between the both of is when we are sat together. One of my favourite pass times now, is the moments where Hadrian is curled up in my arms either reading, talking or sleeping.

The thoughts of being Hadrian's mate are comforting and bring a smile to my face. However, it would be very unlikely that Hadrian would accept me or fee the same way I feel for him. I might ask him about it as it would make me so happy if it was. I just need to build up the courage to ask Hadrian.

Ill ask him tonight while we're reading in y room.

----------Time skip------------

It's time to question Hadrian. I hope all goes well.

We were sitting in a comfortable silence, both with books in our hands, however my nerves were eating me up from the inside. After gathering enough courage up, I closed my book and turned to face Hadrian, catching his attention. This was gonna be awkward. Before I could say anything Hadrian......

grabbed my face and slammed his lips onto mine. His Lips were soft and plump, encouraging me to kiss back and I eagerly did, kissing him just as hard as he was. This was a dream come true, this angel was kissing me and I was kissing him back.

I was in Heaven.


Authors note~

I'm sorry for the delay in updating, but I have been busy with work, assignments and my laptop broke. I should be posting another chapter tomorrow as I have the day off and I'm stuck isolating for two weeks, with only one day of work left for the next two weeks.

If there are any issues within the chapter, please correct me and if you have any ideas for the next few chapters, feel free to send them.

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