Finding Home

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Tom's POV

I was sat on the sofa with my husbands head in my lap reading, when a dark grey, nearing black owl, flew into the room from an open window. It startled all occupants in the room as we were staying at Malfoy Manor. The owl neared me and Severus, and I noticed the distinguishable Gringotts  symbol on the letter tied to the leg of the magnificent owl. Reaching out I grabbed the letter while Narcissa left to retrieve a treat for the owl. All eyes were on the letter in my hands and as I opened it I became confused. Why would we receive a letter from the goblins at Gringotts.

As I read the letter, my breathing seemed to halt. My little Hades has been found and is requesting his parents. I glanced up at the room of confused faces looking at my face. I was probably grinning like a maniac, but at this point I didn't care. After 15 years, my little snake was back and I couldn't wait. I threw the letter at Severus and rushed to grab our coats.

Severus' POV

After watching my husband rush out the room, I lifted the letter up and read the contents upon the paper

Dear Lord Riddle and Mr Riddle,

It has com to our knowledge that your missing son has been found, and currently waiting at Gringotts Bank to be reunited to his family. However, it also has come to our knowledge that the young Riddle has been a figure used by Albus Dumbledore. We wish to request your presence to inform and discuss with you the next steps with the young Riddles state.

Sincerely the goblins of Gringotts

I nearly burst out crying, My baby was coming home. Like Tom had done previously I ran out the room towards the coats and grabbed my own. Completely forgetting about the Malfoys, Tom and I ran to the fire getting ready to go to Gringotts. A simple cough brought us out of out hurry and we turned to see the Malfoys still showing their confused faces. Tom and I looked at each other and said one word before leaving. The small word of 'Hadrian' had all the Malfoys scurrying over to us flooing to Gringotts.

3rd Person

The sound of multiple feet hitting the floor, brought Hadrian and Griphook out of their conversation. The door flew open ad stood their was Hadrian's family, all out of breath but with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.   

All members of the family crashed into a large hug upon the office floor, Griphook stood to the side respecting the family reunion. All that could be heard from the office were the sounds of distorted words, laughs and lots of cries. Hadrian was were he belonged, in the arms of his family. A family that was missing a piece, a family that was broken, but a family finally fixed.


Authors note-

I am sorry for the late update, just with this whole lockdown situation, my work place closed and I have had to deal with more course work being given out at college. I have spent the last week doing college work and have had little time for writing and reading anything not based about animals. Thank you for reading my book and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If anything is spelled incorrectly please inform me, my insomnia has been acting up so sleep isn't really an option. 

Not Everything Is As It Seems.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें