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On the first day, of the first month, of the first year was when the very first female was created. Gods finest creation.

Undoubtedly beautiful with striking blue ocean eyes, hair the colour of pure gold and freckles that lightly peppered her smooth olive skin. Tall and slender standing at just under six foot.

Kind, gentle and nurturing, selfless and charitable. Strong and independent. Her own person, with free will. Opinionated and intelligent with a first for knowledge and adventure.

Voice as smooth and sweet as honey. Singing melodic as a bird. She spoke with poise and elegance.

Her name was Genevieve, she was the first wife of Adam.

Unfortunately for them it didn't quite workout, she refused to be subservient, instead doing as she pleased. She didn't appreciate the man ordering her about.

God saw this and instead of punishing her he brought her up to heaven, making her almost like an angel. She was known as the first daughter of god, innocent and perfect not a single flaw.

She was close with the archangels but was closest with lucifer and Gabriel.

Her and Gabriel laughed together, having fun and playing games. Whilst her and lucifer had long conversations about anything they could think of.

She was fascinated by the humans, always trying to help them out, doing everything she could for them. This is what lead to her and lucifers falling out.

She was devastated and heartbroken when they were no longer friends but the pain when Lucifer was cast out was unbearable. She could never forgive herself she felt it was her fault, she never tried to stop her friend from going down the wrong path instead getting angry and ignoring him.

After he left, she did too. Helping out the humans became her full time job. She did everything she could. She kept off of heavens raydar avoiding all angels.

Though that was easier said than done, religion was everywhere. Thankfully as time went on religion became less prevalent and she noticed less churches. She also stopped spending time is Christian dominated countries until the 1950s when she moved back to America.

But over the years she had changed, she had gotten tougher and more defensive. She had picked up on things from humans like sarcasm and passive aggressiveness. She had began to adapt more to their mannerisms to fit in. She had begun to adapt more to their mannerisms to protect herself.

One thing that she hated about being on earth was that she was alone. She had no friends, she had no family, she had no one to love.

That was until  she met Sam and Dean.

The first woman | supernatural | book one of the goddess seriesWhere stories live. Discover now