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Genevieve yelled as she tried to push her bed back into position, using her powers to fix everything again. She was on a time limit, she didn't have enough time but she would get there- for Sam, for Dean.


Lucifer stood in the cemetery, his head held high, fists clenched as he awaited the arrival of his brother.

When he heard the sound of wings, he knew it was him and he was ready, ready to take him down.
"It's good to see you, Michael." He stated, his eyes fixed on his brother, awaiting his every move.

"You too. It's been too long. Can you believe it's finally here?" Michael stated, watching Lucifer, a slight tint of sadness in his gaze.

"No. Not really."

"Are you ready?" Michael asked, preparing for the fight of his lifetime.

"As I'll ever be. A part of me wishes we didn't have to do this." Lucifer admitted.

"Yeah. Me too."

"Then why are we?" Lucifer asked, he didn't want to do this, not really, but he would if he had to, he would if it came down to it.

"Oh, you know why!" Micheal snapped "I have no choice, after what you did."

"What I did? What if it's not my fault?" Lucifer asked his brother, his eyes almost pleading for another way.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Think about it. Dad made everything. Which means he made me who I am! God wanted the Devil."

"So?" Micheal asked, his fathers way was the right way, where he was concerned.

"So why? And why make us fight? I just can't figure out the point." Lucifer tried to get his point across to his brother.

"What's your point?"

"We're going to kill each other. And for what? One of Dad's tests. And we don't even know the answer. We're brothers. Let's just walk off the chessboard." Lucifer began to state, hoping he had found the way out of this.

"I'm sorry. I-I can't do that. I'm a good son, and I have my orders." He would not disobey his father. He would not disobey his father. He could not disobey his father.

"But you don't have to follow them."

"What, you think I'm gonna rebel? Now? I'm not like you." Michael snapped.

"Please, Michael --" Lucifer began to beg.

"You know, you haven't changed a bit, little brother. Always blaming everybody but yourself. We were together. We were happy. But you betrayed me – all of us – and you made our father leave."

"No one makes Dad do anything." Lucifer sighed, his eyes turning steely as he realised Michael was never going to agree with him, "He is doing this to us."

"You're a monster, Lucifer. And I have to kill you."

Lucifer watched as his brother prepared to fight. "If that's the way it's got to be... Then I'd like to see you try. "  with this the pair begin to circle each-other, each sizing the other up, ready to destroy eachother .

As the two prepare to strike they're interrupted,
"Howdy, boys."

As the pair turn to see who it is they groan, Dean Winchester, oh Lord how they hated Dean Winchester.

"Sorry. Am I interrupting something?" The human asks, looking over the two brothers. "Hey. We need to talk." He states, staring Lucifer down.

"Dean. Even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid."

The first woman | supernatural | book one of the goddess seriesWhere stories live. Discover now