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She now knew exactly what Gabriel meant when he said that he would collect her when she was needed, he zapped her into a hotel room, Dean and Sam were there

"O.K. Did that --" he began to say before seeing Genevieve just sat in the corner which caused him to jump "Holy crap!" He yelled out but Sam still remained oblivious to her, just talking about what happened.

"Yeah, tell me about it. By the way, next time I say let's keep driving, uh, let's keep driving. "

"O.K. Yeah. Next time."

"Alright, so what's our next move?" Sam asked Dean still oblivious to Genevieve

"Uh well. We could ask her what she's doing here" Dean gestured to Genevieve.

"What?" Sam turned and almost jumped out his skin when he saw her. "Genevieve?"

"Hello Sam, Dean." She looked at the pair of them. "What do we need to do?"

"I-I-I... I don't know. Grab those poor saps outta the freezer, I guess? Bust 'em out? Gank a few freaks along the way if we're lucky?" Dean stuttered out.

"And when are you ever lucky?" Gabriel appeared behind Dean, who turned to him aggressively.

"Well you know what, bite me, Gabriel."

"Maybe later, big boy. " Gabriel patted him on the chest before walking over and standing by Genevieve.

"I should've known. I mean this had your stink all over it from the jump." Dean stated glaring at the archangel.

"You think I'm behind this? Please. I'm the Costner to your Houston. I'm here to save your ass and" he gestured to Genevieve who was pretty much towering over him. "I brought back up"

"You wanna pull us outta the fire? " Dean asked, surprised, he looked at Genevieve who just shrugged.

"Bingo! Those guys are either gonna dust you, or use you as bait. Either way, you're uber boned. "

"Wow, 'cause a couple of months ago you were telling us that we need to "play our roles". You're uber boning us!" Dean snapped at Gabriel, there was a lot of aggression there.

"Ohh... The end is still nigh. Michael and Lucifer are gonna dance the lambada, but not tonight. Not here."

"And why do you both care?" Dean asked.

"I don't care. But, me and Kali we, uh, had a thing. Chick was all hands. What can I say? I'm sentimental. "

"I'm here because he sent me here" she gestured to Gabriel. "And because castiel told me about the pair of you. And I need to stop lucifer."

"Do they have a chance? Against Satan?" Sam asked

"Really, Sam?"

"You got a better idea, Dean? "

"They don't stand a chance. And neither do you frankly." Genevieve stated, arms crossed.

"She's right. It's a bad idea. Lucifer's gonna turn them into finger paint. So let's get going while the going's good, hmm?"

"O.K. Great, why don't you just zap us outta here then?" Dean stared at the pair of angels

"Would if I could, but Kali's got you by the short and curlies." Gabriel responded, the pair looked extremely confused. Dean raised his eyebrow at Genevieve to see if she could give an actual explanation. She rolled her eyes.

"It's a blood spell. You two are on a leash. You can't leave, like a dogs tethered to a post." The pair looked offended at her comparing them to dogs, Gabriel's smirk grew, she had gained a proper sense of humour whilst she'd been on earth.

The first woman | supernatural | book one of the goddess seriesWhere stories live. Discover now