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They were on their drive to find pestilence, the brothers had been expecting the celestial to disappear but alas she stayed sat in the backseat looking out the window. She had been listening to everything, the cars as they went past, the music coming from the radio, the quiet conversation that would come from the Winchesters every now and then. She hadn't spoken, she was still sad about the loss of Gabriel. She wasn't sure how to process it, she had never really lost anyone she cared about that way, she didn't really understand why he couldn't come back she just knew he couldn't.

She remembered the fun they used to have, she missed it. She missed him. This loss was unlike anything she had ever felt, she wanted it to go away, she wanted to see him again. She wanted him to be here. She wanted a hug.

She was so lost in thought about. Everything that happened she hadn't noticed that the car had stopped until Dean had walked over to her side of the car and opened the door.

"Hey! Hey angel, we're at the motel." He clicked his fingers for her.

"Oh right sorry. I was thinking." She got out the car.

"Right." Dean grabbed his stuff out the boot and Sam grabbed his, she followed behind the two into the room.

"Okay, I'll give Bobby a ring" Sam placed his bag down before pulling out his phone.

"Cool." Dean entered the bathroom and turned the shower on.

Genevieve just flopped onto one of the mattresses. "I'm so tired" she complained, Sam gave her a strange look.

"I thought angels didn't sleep"

"I'm not really an angel. Well not a proper one anyway I still have parts of my humanity, that's why I can still eat or feel or cry. And sleep. But not a lot of sleep only like a couple times a month sometimes more it depends how much I exert myself. So I'll probably end up sleeping a lot more whilst I'm chasing after you two boys." She explained ,

"You know you don't have to help us right?"

"I know, but I want to."

He nodded, "what about cas?"

She furrowed her eyebrows "what about castiel?"

"Well you seemed tense the first time you saw him."

"Oh. It's just that I hadn't really been confronted by an angel for a while and uh he took me by surprise and I didn't really know what was going to happen." She let out a big yawn.

He laughed at her slightly, "you should get some sleep"

She nodded. "Okay.." before kicking her shoes off. She then realised she couldn't sleep in jeans, that would be very uncomfortable. "Uh Sam?"

He looked up at her. "Yeah?"

"Can I borrow like a shirt And maybe some pyjama bottoms? Please?"

"Sure" he laughed slightly before getting some out of his bag and handing them to her.

Dean was still in the bathroom, badly singing whilst in the shower.

"I'll be back" she said before disappearing, she had teleported to an empty motel room to change, leaving Sam confused.

She put the large T-shirt on that hung off her like a tent, and the trousers on that were slightly too long but just about the right length they just needed to be tied at the waist. Holding her day clothes she transported back into the room.

The shower had been turned off now but Dean was still in there. She placed her folded clothes on a chair and slid into one of the beds. Curling up beneath the covers she closed her eyes before muttering "goodnight Sam." And with that she fell asleep.

The first woman | supernatural | book one of the goddess seriesWhere stories live. Discover now