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Slowly, Sam and Geni entered the room where Dean was standing next to a hooded demon, who was tied to a chair.

"Hey Dean." Gen smiled at him, he gave a small smile back before turning his attention to his younger brother, clearly something was important.

" Sam." His voice was low

"What's going on, Dean?" Sam looked at his brother confused.

"I need you to stay on mission, okay? Focused."

"I don't understand. What's all this about?"

"I'm  doing this 'cause I trust you." Gen looked at the older brother, something was wrong.

"Trust me to what?" Sam asked his brother.

" Sam?" The demon on the chair speaks, coughing to clear his throat when it comes out as a rasp."Sam, is that you?"

Dean sighs and slowly removes The hood.
" Brady?" Sam asked in confusion, Geni turned her attention to him, something was wrong, he was upset. She was fairly new to the whole emotion thing, so she was trying to work out how to make him feel better.

Well new. She had emotions when she was human but when she brought up to heaven they were toned down and she was taught not to feel. When she got to earth, she had trouble processing them, she found it difficult to know how to make people feel better when the pain wasn't physical. She knew to give hungry people food or to heal sick people but how did she stop tears? What could she do?

The only thing she knew how to feel was nothing but the more time she spent back on earth the more she felt, but now she was on this journey with the Winchester's she'd felt more than anything. She'd felt loss and mourning, she'd felt genuine laughter, she'd felt safe, she'd felt worry, it was an emotional rollercoaster and it was all new and she was confused, how could she make them feel better? And now that Sam was sad how could she help him? Gabriel gave her chocolate, maybe she should give Sam some.

The demon chuckles "Brady hasn't been Brady in years. Not since, oh..middle of our sophomore year?"

"What?" Sams voice was colder. Dean and Gen were observing him. Worried about his next move.

"That's right. You had a devil on your shoulder even back then. All right, now, let it all sink in."

"You son of a bitch. You son of a bitch!" Sam yells in anger, he quickly approaches brady but Dean holds him back. "You introduced me to Jess!" He screams.

"Ding, ding! I think he's got it!" Brady mocks, this causing Sam to her angrier, he tries to push past Dean but his brother is too strong.

"Damn it, Sam!" Dean snaps, Genevieve just observes.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Sam yells, Dean finally manages to push his brother out the room, whilst Brady laughs. Genevieve fixes the demon with a hard glare before slapping him.

"Shut up!" She snaps. Dean looks at her wide eyed as if to say 'Dude. No.' But she just rolls her eyes.

"Get out of my way!" Sam yells still fighting


"Get out of my way, Dean."

"There is only one way to win, and it ain't by killing that thing in there."

" Well...sounds like you got him nice and fluffed.Thanks so much." Crowley says from behind the two brothers.

"Listen to me. We need pestilence to get at the devil, and we need Brady to get to pestilence." Dean explains

"Why? Because Crowley said so? Because we trust him now? Like I trusted Ruby? Or like I trusted Brady back at school?" Sam demands. Geni sighed, she hated it when people would fight but she didn't want to get in the way, slowly she aproached them.

The first woman | supernatural | book one of the goddess seriesWhere stories live. Discover now