|| seven ||

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"You're her favorite of the team?! I thought it would be me! How unfair!" Hinata pouted.

"Wait, dont act like this is my fault!" Atsumu defended while Hinata glared at him.

"But you enjoy it, dont you?" Sakusa asked.

"Of course....its nice to hear that someone likes your talent and work..." he replied.

"You sure its only that?" Bokuto asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yes! Even she said in the interview its just because I'm a talented athlete, nothing more!" Atsumu argued and Bokuto smirked after he noticed the light blush on his teammates cheeks.

"Whatever, lets watch that Photoshop contedt video! I think that will be funny!" Bokuto said smirking.

"For everyone but me!" The setter growled but pressed play nonetheless.

Even though the video interested him, his mind was at a whole different place right now.
In his thoughts Atsumu was at a beach in Okinawa about five years ago.
'I promise that if you are becoming a professional volleyball player, you're gonna be my favorite player!'
Your voice echoed through his head and the feeling of guilt hit the blond male.
Was leaving really the best decision, because right now he saw it as the biggest mistake of his life.

Seeing you this happy filled him with joy, but there was also another feeling, that made his chest feel tight.
He wished that he could have been a part of that happiness.

When Atsumu finally came back to his senses he was confused.
He had missed the whole intro and at the moment you were at some soccer game??
Your soccer game?
As Atsumu tried to figure out what was going on it got even weirder.

"What's coach doing there...with a jersey?!" Bokuto asked as he stared at the screen.

"I think hes giving it to her??" Hinata muttered while he was just as confused as his teammate.

"I can't accept it...." you said with a kind smile as the coach handed you a jersey that looked like it was an original.

"He doesn't need it anymore because the players got new ones, so please, its a gift." The coach said and pressed the piece of clothing into your hand.

"Then take this!" You said and then took off your jersey that was drenched in sweat from the match, leaving you in your sports bra.

Atsumu couldnt stop staring at you, and your beautiful body. It wasnt the first time he had seen you this naked, because in the spain documentation you were shown in a swimsuit, but Atsumu still coudnt take his eyes off you.
Atsumu couldnt help but imagine what he would like to do to you.
He scolded himself for his dirty thgoughts and quickly focused on the video again.

"This is too generous of you, I can't accept it!"

"You forced me to take your gift so just accept mine! Its really not that special....Oh I could sign it for you!" you offered but the coach shook his head.

"No, this is more than enough for me! Thank you so much (L/N), this really means a lot to me and I will treasure this for forever! All that is left for me to say is that you played great today and that I'm amazed by your talent everytime I see you on the field."

"Oh youre too nice! I'm sorry but I have to leave now!" You said, waved at him and then left together with your teammates.

"What was that?" Mae asked while you walked to the changing room.

"I dont know...I think he saw the mochi video..." you muttered while unfolding the shirt that you were gifted.
You already knew that it was an original MSBY jersey, but as you unfolded it you could tell who it had previously belonged to.

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