|| twelve ||

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TW: Vomiting

"My head hurtssss!" Hinata whines while he was walking into the dining area where you, Bokuto and Kageyama were currently eating breakfast.

"You ok? I think you just drank way too much yesterday..." You muttered while you watched the orange haired male slouch on the chair.

He had dark circles under his eyes, looked a bit paler than usual and seemed very tired.

"You shouldnt have drank that much boke!" Kageyama scolded and Hinata just whined at how loud his teammate was being.

"Youre too loud...!" Hinata muttered and then layed his head on the table.

"Oi are you gonna sleep on the table now?!" Kageyma asked while shaking Hinata.

"You should leave him alone Tobio, hes not feeling good." You said calmly and Kageyama nodded.
"God Iwazumi and your coach are gonna kill me..."

"Why?" Bokuto asked. The grey haired male also seemed to not be feeling his best since he wasnt his usual loud self.

"Cause you drank way too much and now you arent in top form, Hinata doesnt even look like he should train today and who knows what Atsumu is doing right now."
You started panicking.
"We shouldnt have gone to a bar in the middle of the week...we should have saved that for the weekend."

"Its ok, its really not your fault that those idiots dont know their limits!" Kageyama replied.

"Its really not your fault (Y/N), I just ignored the signs of my body...and drank way too much." Hinata muttered and looked at you for a moment before laying his head back on the table.
"I'll text the coach saying I'm not feeling well and will skip training today."

"I'll just go look for Atsumu real quick, something tells me hes feeling even worse than you Shoyo." You muttered and got up.

"By the way, how are you not feeling terrible (Y/N)??" Bokuto asked.

"I guess I can just...tolerate a lot?" You replied and then walked up the stairs.

"Atsumu? You ok in there?" You asked, knockig on his door.
That he didnt reply worried you and you quietly opened the door a bit to look inside.
Even though the room was dark you could see that Atsumu was lying on his bed.

You quietly walked into the room, closing the door behind you and making your way towards Atsumu.

He seemed to be asleep, and by the smell of the trash can next to the bed he had thrown up at least once in the night.

"Hey Tsumu." You said softly, brushing his bangs out of his face to get a better look at him.

The blonde setter lazily looked up at you with half lidded eyes.
After noticing it was you standing next to his bed he cracked a little smile and muttered a very silent 'Hey'.

"How are you?" You asked softly, careful to not be too loud.

"I feel like shit (Y/N)...." The setter replied and you could have sworn that his eyes were glistening from tears in them.

You gently put a hand on his cheek and kneeled down beside the bed to be at eye level with him.
"Its ok, I'm going to take care of you."

"But you need to go to work, and I have training." The setter replied.

"Dont worry about that, I can just work from home for the day and you are in no shape to train today, so just concentrate on getting better and resting for the day."

"Thany you (Y/N)" Atsumu mumbled and then leaned into your touch.

"Do you have a headache?" You asked and Atsumu nodded.

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