|| seventeen ||

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Shaky legs carried you down the stairs after you had woken up in Atsumus empty bed.
His side still felt warm when you woke up and a part of you hoped that he wouldn't have gone to training already.
(D/N) greeted you downstairs and you gave him a few pats before walking into the kitchen where you made yourself a cup of tea.

"How are you feeling?"
You heard Atsumu ask and turned around.
The setter smirked at the sight of you still wearing his clothes but his smirk immediately turned into a frown after noticing how shaky your legs and arms were.

You answered, voice quiet and hard to hear.

"Should I make you something to eat?"
He asked but you shook your head, not feeling hungry in the slightest.
"Ya have to eat something (Y/N), doesn't have to be much....for me?"

"OK...you know how to make pancakes?" You asked and a smirk returned to his face.

"Probably the best in the whole world!"

"Well see about that."
You silently chuckled before grabbing your mug to sit down on the couch.

"Don't you have training?" You asked.

"Nah we have lunch break for an hour now, so I figured might as well look how ya doin, but you were still asleep when I came home so I didn't want to bother you, so I played with (D/N) in the garden."
Atsumu explained.

"Wait so its noon already? I slept till noon? What- I should have been at work!" You replied, panic now filling you.

"I called your brother and told him what happened, he said it would be better if you take the day off and rest, you've been working a lot the last few days anyway, so just try to relax."
Atsumu replied, sounding very serious about the relax part.

"Didn't you barely sleep last night too? Why do you go train then and I have to stay at home?"
You argued but already knew you would lose the argument.

"Cause unlike ya, I sleep enough the last few days and don't feel super exhausted." He simply said and you could hear something sizzling in a pan.

You huffed...he was right, besides that you knew that your body was in no state to do anything today so you got off the couch and slowly walked up the stairs.

"Where ya goin?" Atsumu asked.

"Getting a blanket."

You were surprised to not be greeted by the smell of vomit when you entered your room.
The floor was completely clean and nothing reminded you of the night and he horrors that took place.
A sigh left your lips as you walked trough the room, grabbing a blanket and your phone before walking back downstairs.

You plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV to watch a random movie on Netflix while scrolling through your phone, sending a few texts to Max regarding an important sponsor that you would meet up with the following week.

"Here, I hope yer will like them " Atsumu said, setting down a plate of pancakes in front of you.

"That's so many..." you mumbled, putting your phone aside to concentrate on eating.

"I'll eat some with ya, so you don't feel alone!" Atsumu said.

"You just wanna make sure that I'm eating..." you mutter, busting him and his motives.

"Of course, ya have to eat something and I know that yer need a bit of motivation to do so, so I eat one, you eat one!"
Atsumu said with a smile and grabbed one of the golden brown pancakes.

"But you eat a lot..."
you mutter.
"And my stomach still doesn't feel the best."

"OK let's rephrase, I want ya to eat at least three, then I'm a happy boi that knows he can leave you alone to go back to training."

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