|| fourty -five ||

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"Hey Tsum, I was wondering if you would like to go the doctors appointment with me? There probably won't be much to see...but maybe we can find out the gender."
You were now eighteen weeks pregnant and the bump was pretty obvious by now.

Atsumu could barely hold back his excitement upon hearing your offer.
"Of course I'll come with ya!!"
He exclaimed happily.

It wasn't much, two blobs at most, but it still made Atsumu feel something he probably never felt before when he sat next to, holding your hand while looking at the ultrasound. He knew that he was looking at his child, but what exactly it was that he was looking at, he had no clue. And he didn't have to, to feel a tingling in his stomach and heat in his cheeks.
This was his child, his and your child that he would meet soon and even tho it merely looked like a blob to him, it was perfect.

"Would you like to know the gender?" The doctor asked and you looked over to Atsumu with a questioning look.

"Y-yes! I would love to!"
He exclaimed, excitedly tightening his grip on your hand he had been holding this whole time.

"Well it seems like you are expecting twins, I can't say for sure yet, but I think it's two girls."
The doctor said with a smile and you stared up at Atsumu.

His mouth stood wide open, and again just like when you revealed your pregnancy, you couldn't figure out what exactly it was that he was feeling and thinking at this moment.

He mumbled after a very audible and loud gulp.
"Thats...I'm gonna cry..."
He wasn't joking, you looked up into his honey brown eyes that were glossy and formed teats.

"Tsumu, hey...it's okay I think a child more is manageable."
You said, squeezing his hand, thinking he was crying because he was worried about raising and supporting two children at once.

"No...that's not it."
He replied with a soft smile.
"I'm just so happy!"

Wow you really had gotten bad at reading Atsumus expressions lately...you kinda felt ashamed about that now, but oh well at least he wasn't worrying about raising two children.
Because you were, and it's certainly enough when one parent worries about things like this.
You already had respect for birthing one child, but two?! My God, this would certainly be an experience...

"Growing up with a twin was always my biggest blessing as a child, my brother and I might have fought a lot but when we needed a shoulder to cry on there was always someone there for us, so I'm happy that our children get to experience that too...my two litte princesses."
You watched a tear of joy slip down his cheek as a feeling of warmth arose in Atsumus chest.
Atsumu couldn't have been happier at that moment as he felt like the luckiest and most loved man in the whole world.

"Hey Samu! We are here!" Atsumu announced

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"Hey Samu! We are here!"
Atsumu announced.

It was the day after the appointment and the two of you had planned on meeting Osamu at his restaurant for a while now, and of course Atsumu was all the more excited now that he could announce the great news and boast about his two girls.

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