|| thirty - six ||

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⚠️Mentions of sex later in the chapter but no lemon

"Hey Tsum."
You spoke softly, gently pushing the setters arm to wake him up.
He groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, looking up at you.
"I thought I would let you sleep longer but it's noon now...and time to eat lunch, aren't you hungry?"

"Mhhh not really..."
he muttered, his voice low and quiet.

"Are you OK? Not feeling well? You're usually always hungry..."
You asked, placing your hand against his forehead to feel his temperature.
"You do feel warmer than usual."
You mumbled, pulling your hand away again and sitting down on the bed.

"Mhhh...I feel tired (Y/N)."
Atsumu whispered, slowly sitting up in the bed and resting his warm head against your shoulder.
"I think I got sick..."
A cough escaped his throat after he was finished talking.
"I really don't feel good (Y/N)..."

"Shhh it's ok, I'll take care of you."
You whispered, lifting his head up a bit, cupping his face and gently kissing his forehead.
"You want a cup of tea? With honey?"

Atsumu simply nodded, but it was obvious that he didn't like moving anything of his body and even the slightest move seemed to hurt him.

You helped him slowly lie down again, gave him a kiss on the forehead and then left to make some tea and food.
You left the bedroom door open, so Atsumu could call out for you when he  needed something.


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"Here...I thought you should eat at least something so I made you some toast with butter."
You spoke softly, sitting down on the beds edge after setting down the mug and the plate on the beside table.

"Thank you..."
Atsumu mumbled, his nose soundings very stuffed.

"Anything else you needed?"

He replied with a smirk.
"I want ya to stay with me..."

"I  will...I don't have to work today anyways...it's Saturday."
You replied.

"Good, then lie down with me." The setter pouted like a little child.

"Only if you eat and drink something."
You answered and Atsumu pouted even more, but agreed to try to eat something.

He ended up eating one slice of toast and had drank half of the tea before he said that he couldn't eat more and you agreed to lying down with him.
Atsumu cuddled up to your side, his head on your chest, arms tightly wrapped around you as if he was making sure you wouldn't leave him again.
His leg was wrapped around yours, nor giving you many options to move in any way, not that you wanted to leave him in that moment.
You gently ran your fingers through the bleached hair, thinking about how it would be time soon to touch up the roots and use some purple shampoo so his hair wouldn't look like pee.
You really liked the way his hair looked now more than how it did in highschool, and didn't want it going back to that pee color.

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