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Hey! Man what's up? Kane said bursting both me and Emelda as we both tried our possible best maintain a distance that won't trigger Kane's curious state at the moment, "but we actually failed because Kane was a very wise person and he was a player"..

Hey man! "how many times do I have to tell you to stop badging into my office inattentively um? .. I asked trying to cut all curious state he was in.

Wow! Alex seems you've gotten yourself some hottie" what's your name babe? Alex asked turning to face Emelda.

Emelda! Emelda answered shyly and calm. "Sir I would probably take my leave, if you need me I'd be in my office", Emelda said as she walked out of my office, all her face red as pepper.

Wow! Congrats man, you've just gotten yourself a beautiful damsel", ' but wait Alex are you dating her, and were you actually trying to show her your scar, " what's up with you man how can you even think of making a second mistake again after what Chelsea did to you after showing her your scar, not to even talk about when you were a still a kid when a little girl called you scar face, and now you just want to show your new PA your face? What has come over you man? Like seriously, Kane kept on ranting and all he said were absolutely true and correct! No girl would ever love you with a scar, and that's why I said you should do a surgery, bug no you're still scared because surgery killed your mum.

Can you please just shut up and get out, "how many times do I have to tell you that I hate hearing about my mum dying in surgery..

I was only trying to make sense out of your stupidity of loving that girl.. But there's no harm in trying, maybe she is different just try? "At least if you don't try to risk you won't see the perfect one".. He said as he stood up to leave.

Kane I didn't mean it that way, and besides you're right, "I can never find a girl who will love me for my scar",although I see a little bit difference in Emelda but I just can't place it for now because its still too early to see a difference! I said truthfully, but a part of me said I am making a wrong mistake but I just shake it off my head. Emelda is not what I suppose to be thinking of right now but my business, I thought as I tried by all means to remove every thoughts about Emelda from my little itty bitty brain of mine.

Kane later left after we had our little talk of work and other stuffs.. I left work by 8:30 pm because I was having a terrible headache, so I left early even though people say I spend extra time, I do not care became I normally close at 9:30 to 10:00.

Getting into the elevator I pressed the button leading it way to the last floor, after few minutes I was out of the elevator and was actually walking to the exit door in the companies lobby.

After coming out of the office, I took my car keys and entered my car, but not after locking up.

After Max had the car come to life to life I slide into the backseat and within two seconds we were at the beautiful road of Detroit.


Why on earth would I ask my boss to remove his mask, oh am in great trouble, I just hope hr doesn't see it all in a wrong view.

I got home since 5:30 and all my thought had been about finding what he was hiding behind that mask of his.

Few minutes into my thought my phone ranged triggering me out of my thought about my boss.
I looked at the screen and saw it was mum. Ah! She would be so pissed I didn't even call to inform them about I work.

📞 Hello mum! "so sorry I haven't called you and dad", how are you guys doing?. I asked trying to make my mum forgive my silly memory.

Am fine Mel, "but you'd have called to inform us your arrival and also your first day at work. But I got none, what'd you expect me to do? Sit tight and be happy my girl haven't called, I was worried Mel.. I was really worried.. Mum said sadly, and I could feel it that she is crying.

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