Chapter Thirty-Six

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*Not edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 36– It's not just a boy's name, it's unisex:

        In front of me stands a simple white house; the slabs of wood horizontal and aesthetically pleasing, the door a bright, in-your-face red, a gold knocker nailed to the centre of it underneath the peep-hole, the windows white— squeaky clean.

        The front yard is neatly kept, bright green grass perfectly trimmed at the edges of the footpath; flowerpots surrounding the porch. There's a tree to the left, a swing hanging from its shortest branch.

        One single leaf lays on the gravel leading up to the steps of the porch. It seems to be the only imperfection in sight.

        It's unnerving.

        I expected Zeke to live in a place like this, but something about it seemed too... flawless, too untouched, too materialistic for such a lively person with a personality like his. I assumed the people who were responsible for him were the same way.

        But perhaps not.

        "Got your bag?" I turn to the little inconvenience next to me while I switch off the engine. Benny looks up and nods as he holds his school bag up in his tiny little hands with his small little arms. "Great. You know your way to the front door, tell Zeke you're staying here until your owners come to collect you."

        "Odee," he frowns. "You coming," he all but demands, trying to untangle himself from the rope tying him to the passenger-side chair. Admittedly, I didn't really know how to safely secure one of those things into the seat, never having had one of the small humans in my car before, so rope seemed like the best bet as the seatbelt just didn't seem safe enough. It was either rope, or the chains in my trunk.

        I believe I picked the lesser of two evils.

        "I'll walk you to the front door, and then I'm gone, okay? I have things to do," I inform him as I unravel his little form and untie the knots around him. He doesn't acknowledge my words, but I know he hears me as he happily jumps down from the seat and closes the door behind him with a struggle.

I follow after the little abomination, noticing the lack of festive decorations that every other house on the street seems to have. It surprises me that the house is so bare and lacklustre, considering Zeke resides here, but after seeing the upkeep of this place and how perfect it appears to be, I'm also not surprised at all.

I tread lightly as I walk the footpath to the front door, swatting at Benny's hand as he keeps trying to hold onto mine. He makes a sound at the back of his throat, but I ignore him.

We get to the porch, minding the three steep steps that lead us up to it, and the wooden boards beneath us creak slightly with the added weight of our one-and-a-half bodies. The obnoxious red door is a foot or so in front of us now, and it looks to be closed at first.  However, once I get closer, I realise it isn't.

I don't really think anything of it until the muffled voices from inside escape through the gap between the door and its frame. They sound aggressive, but quiet, like they're being spoken through harsh whispers and gritted teeth.

"Odee," Benny speaks up sounding puzzled. "Why aren't we knoc—."

"Shut it, midge," I haphazardly snap, leaving the small boy where he stands a few inches away from me as I near the entrance quietly. "Stay here until I come and get you, okay?"

Without waiting for a response, knowing the kid can follow instructions better than most people I've met recently, I soundlessly pull open the door, relieved that it doesn't make a noise as I do so. I peep my head inside and am immediately met with a pristine white foyer, so bright that I almost feel the urge to cover my eyes.

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