Chapter Four

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*Not edited*Not proofread*

(Literally just an irrelevant,
filler chapter)

Chapter 4– Mean, Mysterious, Goth-y sort of look:

        "Should we send her some flowers? Or some chocolates? Can she eat chocolates?"

        It's been a few days since Halloween and school break is almost over. I haven't been back to the hospital to visit Lilah, nor have I made any effort to reach out to her despite having her number. She has the boys at her beck and call so there's really no reason for me to be there. We're not friends, I don't even fucking like her.

        Yet, there's a nagging voice in my head that tells me there is much more to it than that.

        "They cut off her fingers, not her tongue," I tell Jace sarcastically.

        "Seriously, R.A? Have a bit more decency," he chastises in a no-bullshit tone. He's starting to get really pissed off with my 'morbid' comments.

        I shrug, "Whatever. Send her anything you like, just don't be putting my name on it," I instruct as I wander around the aisle of the store Jace dragged me to.

        "What about a teddy? She seems like she'd like those," he nods his head to himself, scanning the cards on the shelf. They all read 'Get Well Soon' in bold, neat cursive with some sappy bullshit written inside.

        "I don't know what she likes and I don't give a fuck. Can you just hurry up so we can leave?" I frown over my shoulder at him. He ignores me. "Fine. I've got to get Rey some food anyway, so I'll meet you at the checkout," I inform him in a mumble, knowing he's listening but won't bother answering me.

        I leave the aisle in search of dog food seeing as Rey's running low and I'm here anyway, so I might as well get it now. There's not many people in the store which is relieving, but the people that are here look me up and down and seem to stare a little too long.

        It pisses me off.

        As I'm walking down the middle of the store, looking from left to right to find the items that I need, I'm rammed into by a thin body as they walk in front of me holding a basket. They immediately stutter out an apology as I glare at them angrily.

        "I am so sorry, I didn't see you. Shit, are you hurt?" The boy drops the basket on the floor, his deep brown eyes wide with apology.

        I continue to glare, briefly noticing he looks extremely familiar but brushing it away. "No, I'm not fucking hurt. You're like five-foot-nothing. You should be more concerned for yourself," I snap.

He pauses. "Kody?" A slow smile spreads across his face as he recognises me. "Hey! It's me, Stanley." I blink at him. "We have gym together.... and Maths, and English, and World History." He waits for a reply which I don't offer. "Seriously, you don't recognise me?"

"You got hit in the face with a ball," I recall. He was the one who wouldn't stop talking to me.

He sighs dramatically, lifting his hands up then bringing them back down to his sides with a harsh slap. "That happened once, okay? Once," he holds up one finger. I notice his nails are painted black, the polish chipping away. He lifts another finger. "Alright, it's happened twice. But you was only there for the second time, so—."

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