Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter 32– Not very far, apparently: 

        She's exactly as I remember her.


        While we may have never spoken a word to each other before, I still know that I don't like her. At all. There's just something about her that doesn't sit well with me, though I'm unsure on what that is just yet.

        But it's something. It's definitely something and I know it.

        Her blonde, shoulder-length hair is styled with light curls, her skin still sickly pale despite the heavy makeup she wears. Her outfit is too dressy to be considered casual wear, and she overall looks like she's just come back from somewhere fancy. She's around my height bracket, an inch smaller, and stands tall next to Dakota like she's full of fake confidence.

        "No wonder you took an hour to get here," I roll my eyes, ignoring the way my fists clench on the armrest of the chair. I hate that I have to look up at the pair as I speak, rather than face them at an equal height, but Benny is still asleep and shows no signs of waking. "And what the fuck are you doing here? Lilah doesn't even fucking like you."


        "Excuse me?" Zoe looks at me with furrowed eyebrows, a look of innocent confusion on her face. I glare back at her distastefully, the fact that I'm being rude and disrespectful not something that bothers me in the slightest. I don't like her, why hide it?

        "Ignore her, Zoe, just go in to see Lilah. I'll be there in a bit," Dakota addresses her as he frowns down at me, his tattooed hands shoved into the pockets of his black jeans. I can't help but let out a scoff, shaking my head and rolling my eyes at the two. So pathetic.

        We wait until Zoe has left the waiting area before either one of us says a word. We're too stubborn to break the silence as we hold eye contact, daring the other to speak up first.

        It's not going to be me, though, that's for sure. And by the way Dakota huffs, he knows that, too.

        "Why are you here?" He asks in a deep voice, his tone low as he takes up the open seat next to me. "You don't even like Lilah."

        My mouth opens to defend myself, but I'm quick to close it. It's not his business anyway, I conclude— and he's right. I don't like Lilah. "Jace is here."

        "And what? You have to follow him wherever he goes like a puppy?" He counters sarcastically, causing my jaw to tick in vexation.

        "Watch it," I warn, turning my head to glare at him. "And it's not like you can say much. You risk your life for a living and then give all of your money to Mac who sits back and wipes his ass with dollar bills. Your dollar bills."

       "Touché," Dakota mutters, adjusting himself on the seat. I hate that word.

        "So is that all?"

        "You're acting like I'm the one who's in the wrong here," he makes a sound in the back off his throat like he can't believe me. I frown at him in confusion.

        "Because you are."

        I don't miss the way his fists clench next to him at my response, his jaw locking in frustration, making it look more prominent. "I hate that you don't see it."

"See what?" I ask with a bite to my tone, refraining from speaking too loudly because of the mini human on my lap.

Dakota shakes his head. "The reason I'm mad."

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