Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26– Should I give you two a minute?:

I wake up feeling disorientated, my mind in a haze and my eyes heavy. My throat feels scratchy and dry, my head pounding horribly. My ears ring with a piercing noise, penetrating and high-pitched. It's all so overwhelming. But that's not what I focus on.

The fact that I'm surrounded by a warm cocoon of blankets is what alarms me more than my own deteriorating health does. It takes me a few seconds to regain memory of what happened, but eventually I do.

        I shouldn't be here.

        I open my eyes slowly, my eyelids feeling stuck. My temples throb and I'm sure my pupils are adjusting themselves to the change in brightness as I'm momentarily blinded by the light in my room.

        How the fuck did I get back here?

        "Little Warrior!"

        I wince at his loud voice, so harsh in my ears as he makes his way over to me in a hurry. He sits sideways on my bed, next to my legs, and scans my face with worry. "Are you feeling okay?"

        "Do you have to shout?" I reply instead of answering his question, my voice raspier than usual and more croaky. "I have a headache."

        "Jesus, R.A," Jace breathes softly, a hint of relief in his strained voice. "You had me worried sick."

        "How did I get here?" I ignore him again. I really don't care what he has to say, his worry once again being more annoying than it is flattering. When will he understand that I don't need his concern or his care?

        Jace's mouth opens to form a reply, his words almost making it passed his lips before I notice a sudden movement in the corner of my eye.

        My head abruptly whips around in alarm, following the slight shuffle I see, and I'm surprised to find Ricky leaning casually against my windowsill with a boyish grin on his annoying face, his hair and clothes dishevelled.

        "You?!" I exclaim, surprise and bafflement laced in my accusatory tone. I throw the covers off my body and stand up. Though, I may have reacted too quickly too soon and I lose my balance, my head spinning and stomach churning. Jace makes a move to grab me, but I push him away.

        "Me?" Ricky asks in mock perplexity as he jabs a finger to his own chest, the smirk still present on his split lips. He looks like shit, I notice absentmindedly as I take in his bruised face. Probably deserved it.

"Get out!"

"That's no way to talk to a guest, Kody baby," he pouts sadly, causing me to grit my teeth. "Especially the one who helped you when you were all alone and defenceless. Anyone could've done anything."

        "Should I give you two a minute?" Jace interrupts the glaring match I have going on with Ricky, though it's mainly one sided because I'm the only one scowling as he smiles away like the prick that he is.


"No," Ricky and I both say at the same time. I glare at him as a muscle in the side of my face twitches due to how hard I'm clenching my jaw. "He's leaving, so there's no need," I clarify, making sure Ricky gets the hint that he's not welcome.

I don't want him in my space.

"Fine," Ricky shrugs in an unbothered manner as he pushes himself up from his slouched position. He eyes me as he walks, his look playful and sarcastic, a glint of amusement on his smug face. "But the information that I have is coming with me."

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