Chapter Forty-Three

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*Not edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 43– let the games begin:

        "I've got a house set up for you. If you go to our arranged spot, there will be an envelope there with all the information you need inside. You know what to do once you get settled."

        I nod despite Jace not being able to see me, hanging up the phone without so much as a goodbye. I know he isn't bothered by my lack of farewell, aware I don't really have the time to stay on the phone for longer than a few seconds. I'll speak to him soon, anyway.

         Not long after the phone call, after a few twists and turns down the street, I find myself in a dead-end alley with a handful of dumpsters lining the wall to my right. A couple of them are spilling over the brim, while the other two aren't as full. Black, white and green trash bags  lay on the ground, cardboard boxes of all sorts accompanying them. It's a mess. A dirty, reeking mess.

        With a frown of disgust, I take the chip out of the cheap Samsung I own and throw it into a puddle on the floor, watching it submerge below the dirty surface. Then, I take the phone and I throw it into one of the open dumpsters, hearing it clank against what I assume is some sort of glass bottle. I ditched the battery in a trash can on my way here a couple of blocks back already, so the phone has been successfully disposed of.

        Wiping my hands against the rough texture of my jeans, I begin to walk away when I hear a small whimper come from somewhere near all trash, and I mistakenly hesitate in my tracks for a few seconds.

        That's all it takes for the little beast to come running at my ankles.

        I jump back in surprise, looking down to find a small bundle of matted grey and white fur, floppy ears and a little pink tongue. It's covered in dirt and I can't work out if the smell in the air is coming from the dumpster or this little furry abomination.

        What kind of alley cat is this?

        I watch with wonder as it rolls on the ground by my feet, belly up and ears down. It looks scared, but if that were the case, why did it come near me?

        I stare down at it for a couple more seconds, the dirty little rat staring up at me patiently before it rolls back onto its feet and sniffs at my shoes.

        I step back. "Keep your germs away from me," I tell it, though the fluff ball doesn't listen at all. It continues its pursuit until it's nipping at my laces. My leg comes out as a reflex and it shies away. I don't mean to kick it, it just startles me.

        I scan the area for a possible owner but I'm alone— no one's here but me. There's no collar on the thing like I'd seen many other animals wear, so I assume it's a stray like me. No home.

        I sigh as I look at it, it's blue eyes staring straight through my own ones. There's life behind them, a knowledge not quite like mine, but still equally as intelligent— maybe even more so.

        "Shoo, mutt." I wave my hands to try and scare it away, but my half-assed attempt doesn't work. It just comes closer, it's fluffy but extremely dirty paws pad against the wet floor and his little nose nudges my leg. I jump back again. "No. Quédate ahí," I put my hand out to its face, backing away the more it comes closer. "No," I try again. "No te acerques más."

        Maybe it doesn't understand Spanish, I wonder as it finally sits down, it's body almost on my foot.

        "Okay, great. Now stay," I raise a finger, keeping my eye on the stray as I round it and finally start backing out of the alley. It watches me from its spot, not moving. I nod, "Good. Keep staying."

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