Chapter Thirty

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*Not edited* Not proofread*

(Warning: Sensitive topic)

Chapter 30– You'd be surprised.

When the first person I knew took their own life, it was a big scandal around the facility.

Subjects were talking about it for days, but no one really had a word for it. All that was said, was that they had "saved themselves".

It was one of the older, most recent subjects that hadn't been there long who had decided to take an unsupervised knife and slit their throat. No one knew what happened after death, we were all too young and stupid to have a clue, but that guy clearly didn't care. He took a shot in the dark and probably hoped for the best.

I still haven't figured out if he hit the target or not.

But watching Lilah as she stands on the ledge of the bridge that leads from Raven Hollow into Raven Creek, staring down at the river below us, I doubt her decision would be for the better.

Jace doesn't look at me as I get out of my car and make my way past the people who have stopped to form a crowd. I approach him quietly, the nearer I get the clearer I hear he words he speaks to the redhead standing on the opposite side of the railings.

"—you don't want to do this. Just talk to me, Lilah. Please."

"What's going on?"

I come up to his side and pause next to him, not taking my eyes off Lilah's back. She probably can't hear me over the wind and the rain, my volume only loud enough for Jace to hear.

He shakes his head, I can see it out of the corner of my eye. "She's going to jump, kid. I know she is." He turns to face me, his tone low; scared. "I've seen people like this before. I can tell the difference between people just threatening to jump, and those who will actually do it."

"Are you sure?" I question, my eyes on the way Lilah's hair darts around her in the wind; the sky beyond her grey and muggy, the wind loud and the rain heavy. The lights of the parked cars make the bridge less dark, the sound of other passing vehicles who don't bother to stop make everything seem more chaotic. My head hurts. "She is pretty dramatic."

"R.A, seriously. Ahora no es el tiempo."

I sigh. "Can't you talk her down?" I finally look up at him, his hair soaked from the rain and his eyelashes more prominent as well as the irises of his blue eyes. I'm aware I probably look just as bad, but rain has always been one of the few things I enjoy.

"I've tried, trust me."

I scoff, "Of course. If you want something done right, do it yourself." I roll my eyes and move passed Jace, ignoring as he calls out my name in warning.

"Don't yo—."

"Lilah, really? Stop being a dramatic bitch and get your fucking ass on this side of the bridge." My voice is snappy as I get close to the railing, my tone loud enough for her to hear me over all the noise. Her eyes snap to mine and she almost loses her balance, but she's able to maintain it just in time to not fall.

Subject Me To Love [Book Two]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora