Chapter Fifteen

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*Not edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 15– I hope you have a plan:

Dakota didn't talk to me for the rest of the day on Friday— not that I minded, though. He didn't glare at me or act petty towards me, but his face remained blank until it was time to fuck off home. No one was around to really pick up on his behaviour, however, so no questions were asked about the way he was acting. But I knew for a fact he was mad at me, and that made me mad at him.

It's the day of Dakota's fight at The Ring tonight— Saturday— and there's only an hour before it begins. I haven't told Jace about where I'm going, although I did plan to. In all honesty, I need him there for back-up of sorts. I may be crazy but I'm not stupid, and going to a meeting with Mac on my own, while he'll be surrounded by his ex-army guard dogs, doesn't seem like one of my finest ideas. However, I later decided against informing Jace and bringing him along, because I don't want to drag him in to any of this.

So he remains clueless.

As I stuff a small knife in my boot, careful not to nick my skin through my fluffy socks (guilty pleasure) I hear footsteps on the floor above me and know Jace is out of his room, most likely getting ready for bed. I quickly tie my laces and adjust my hoodie over the two guns in my waistband— one at the back, one in the front— and stand up straight as I face the stairs.

"Where are you off to?" Jace raises an eyebrow as he bounces down the last steps, scanning my outfit from head to toe. He eyes the baggy jumper I wear and frowns suspiciously. Coming to stand in front of me, he crosses his arms.

        "Nowhere," I grumble, turning around to search for my keys in the ceramic bowl by the entrance. Jace doesn't seem to believe my vague reply and insists on knowing my plans. "Haven't you got somebody else to harass?"

        "R.A, seriously. Where are you going? It's almost midnight," he grabs my arm and turns me to face him, his facial expression not one of playfulness like it usually is. Dakota's fight is pretty late tonight, but because it's a weekend and more people are able to attend The Ring, there are more fights held because more bets are placed. "Well?"

        "I'm going for a drive."


        I shrug my shoulders before taking back my arm he held hostage. "Can't sleep."

        Jace's eyebrows furrow and he doesn't seem to be fully convinced. It takes only seconds for his eyes to find the duffel bag next to my feet. Mierda!

        "And you have that because...?" He trails off, looking back up to meet my stare. I keep my facial expression nonchalant and unbothered to the fact that I don't have an answer to that, once again offering a shrug of my shoulders as I cross my arms. "What's going on, kid? Where are you really going?"

        "I told you." I carry on with my lie, my skin crawling at the dishonesty. "For a drive."

         Jace snorts as his eyes roll. "Well sorry if I don't believe you seeing as the last time you snuck out in the middle of the night, you came back covered in blood telling me you kidnapped someone, took them to the middle of nowhere, roughed them 'a little', broke their fingers, and left them stranded in the woods!"

        Why is it, whenever someone describes my actions back to me, they make it seem worse than it actually was?

        "It's your fault I have to lie to you," I tell him simply, shrugging one shoulder. "If you didn't ask questions I didn't want to answer, then we wouldn't be in this position of distrust."

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