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Prologue— A heart like his:

The wind blows harshly around me, angrily swirling around the tall trees and ripping the leaves from their branches. The rain pours down heavily, pounding against the cement pavement and forming shallow puddles in the middle of the pathways.

My hair is drenched and my clothes saturated. My face drips with water, and tiny droplets fall from my eyelashes and the tip of my nose. The bitter air doesn't bother me much, despite it seeming much more colder due to the soaked state of me.

My jumper clings to my body and my jeans become uncomfortable. My boots are filled with water and my socks squelch when I move my toes.

And yet I just stand there, hands inside my pockets as I stare unblinkingly at the lump of rock formed into a headstone, engraved with neat cursive and sweet words.

It shouldn't be allowed.

Something so tragically sorrowful shouldn't be allowed to look so artful.

A life lived for nineteen years has more to show than just a scratched stone embedded into the ground. A life lost should be cherished and honoured more than just a few words of appreciation and a cheap ceremony.

He was worth more than that. Deserved more than that.

A museum of pictures for every time his dimples showed when he smiled, or for every time his eyes shone when he laughed. A picture painted every time he looked so happy and at peace with himself in a world full of chaos. A recording of every time he spoke, every time he sung out of tune or laughed so loud he had to be told to quieten down. A book of memories for all the unforgettable adventures he had and all the cherished moments he shared with those around him. A list of of every amazing quality and kind words that people had to say about him.

A heart like his deserved the world, and yet he got hell instead.

Maybe he's better off wherever he is now.

I never believed in the afterlife. I didn't believe in the "other side" or reincarnation. Once you're gone, that's it. There's no second chance, no next life. You're just not here anymore. That's that. But for his sake, I hope he is somewhere warm and safe. Somewhere the grass is greener, the sky a little brighter and the weight on his shoulders a little less heavy. I'd like to believe he is at peace in a place with no chaos, no karma and no bad luck. I wish for him to be happy, so wonderfully content that his smile never falters and the light in his eyes never dims.

I hope he's in a place where one day, we will get to see him again. To smell the cologne mixed with the awful liquorice sweets he adored so much and to hear his laugh.

I just hope that day doesn't take too long to come around.

        I just hope that day doesn't take too long to come around

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