Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*Not edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 38– That someone is Dakota Black:

        There are two men standing before me, their appearances vastly different from each other.

        One man has really curly, dark brown hair; a pair of deep brown eyes to match. He has a large physique, one most subjects would find intimidating, but to me it brings a different feeling, although I don't exactly know what it is. He wears a pair of dark trousers and, if possible, an even darker top, his sleeves short, showcasing dark, muscular biceps and veiny forearms. However, despite his slightly scary appearance, he has a soft smile on his face as he looks at me, warm and inviting like Nine's.

        The man next to him is a bit smaller in size, his form leaner, his stance not as threatening. He has lighter hair and brighter features; a kinder look to him in general. He wears a white top, his trousers a faded blue. His hands are in his pockets, his shoulders back, his demeanour open and inviting, or so it seems. He doesn't have the drawings on his skin like the other man does, his arms are bare.

        I get up from the floor, and as I stand, I notice my body isn't in pain anymore. My foot isn't bent at an odd angle, my skin isn't tainted with bruises, my head doesn't hurt. I look down an wiggle my toes, the usually cold floor warmer than I remember it. I then look back up to the two men, the man with the dark skin chuckles and I find myself in awe of the sound. I like him the best.

        I walk smoothly towards the two, no limp in my step, the door of my cell strangely wide open. They watch me closely, their heads doing the same tilt mine does.

        I reach them in seconds; quicker than I usually would due to not having any broken bones. I stand in front of the pair, and because I only reach their hip, I lift my head so I can see their faces properly. They see my struggle, so they both crouch down so their height mirrors mine.

        And then there I stay for who knows how long, my eyes jumping between both of their faces, tracing their features and memorising their differences. I like their smiles. The man with the dark eyes has the best one, while the man with lighter eyes has nicer cheeks.

        They don't speak a word to me, nor do I to them. I've never seen them before in my entire worthless life, but somehow I know who they are.

        They're those parents Nine used to speak of.

        While they're not exactly like Nine had described them, they're my own take on what I would picture my parents to look like. Nine mentioned that she had a female parent, her mom, and the other was male, her dad. I think mine are both males because I liked the idea of having one of those dads so much that I wanted two of them. Mum's seemed fine, too, from Nine's description of them, but not at all like a dad sounded.

        I always wanted two dad's ever since Nine told me about hers.

        I look up, my head tilting. It's the only way I really know how to show interest without voicing it.

        They smile down at me still, and while I'm basking in the positive attention, I still wish Nine was here to finally meet my parents.

        But perhaps they'll take me to her soon.


        I had that dream a lot. It was the same one a majority of the nights for months and months. The first time I had it I remember waking up and feeling so disappointed that I almost forgot how to breath as my chest caved in on itself and my stomach churned with the feeling to be sick. I hated the fact I had woken up to the same cold cell with the same pain I had gone to sleep in. But I hated the fact I had woken up alone even more.

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