Chapter Twelve

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*Not edited*Not is proofread*

Chapter 12– Word apparently travels fast
around here:

        "Please open up your books to page ten and eleven and read through both texts," Mrs. whatever-her-face-is instructs as she slowly and carefully sits herself down on her desk chair, wincing ever so slightly. She's definitely headed for retirement soon. "Once you're done, please discuss with the person next to you— quietly and about the topics. Chit chat can wait until class is over," she smiles softly. Her orders always seem to come out too polite, her demands sounding more like suggestions; it's annoying.

Opening up the book to the correct page, I stare down at the words and my mind comes up blank. I understand nothing— absolutely nothing. My mind is too tired to even begin to read whatever is written on the paper, my eyes unable to focus on any particular sentence.

I sigh out quietly as I reach my hands around the back of my neck and rub at the skin above my black choker. It doesn't relieve the tension but it stops my hands from fidgeting.

"You okay, Kodes?" Dakota whispers in my ear, his rough voice soft, his breath minty. I take in his apple-y scent mixed with aftershave and relax my shoulders with a slow exhale. I don't bother to offer him a response, instead I just keep my head lowered and eyes focused on the book before me— at least until Dakota starts reading the texts on the page out loud, his voice still quiet so only I can hear him properly; then my eyes flutter closed.

        If someone were to ask me later on what the texts were about, I wouldn't be able to answer. I don't pay attention to the meaning of the words Dakota reads, but more so his tone of voice and the way he pronounces each letter carefully. It's... calming. I'm disgusted with myself for admitting it, but it's true.

        "Did you get any sleep last night?" He asks me as he finishes the first text that seems to have gone on for ages. With the side of my face resting on my arms on top of the table, I shake my head in response, not really aware that I'm voluntarily sharing information (that's no one's business) with Dakota. "Do you want me to take you home? I'll talk to Mr. Johansson and tell him you're not feeling well." Once again, I shake my head, causing the tattooed blonde to sigh. "Alright. Well let me know if you change your mind, okay?"

I don't bother answering. I can take care of myself.

        "He's cute," a childish giggle sneaks up to my right as I move my head to the other side— facing away from Dakota. I don't bother opening my eyes, unfazed by the suddenness of her appearance.

        It's been five days since I saw her again for the first time in months— maybe even years. She's been popping up at random moments and I've begun to get used to it now. I still try to ignore her the best I can, though sometimes I can't help but give in.

        "Nice eyes, as well. And those muscles," she sighs dramatically in a way that makes it seem like she's infatuated with Dakota. I roll my eyes behind my eyelids as I continue to listen to her fawn over the boy next to me. "I didn't think I'd be a fan of tattoo's, but as it turns out..." she trails off with another giggle. It doesn't annoy me though; not in the way everybody else's laugh annoys me. "If I'd gotten the chance, he's definitely the man I'd be marrying."

        I ignore the way my jaw clenches at that and turn back to Dakota as he comes to the end of the second and last text. He smiles at me lazily, his blue eyes trained on mine. "You didn't get any of that, did you?" He asks in slight amusement, scanning my face for the reply I won't give. "It's okay. We'll just go over it in tutoring."

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