Chapter Forty

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Chapter 40– You're practically a human calculator:

I think you should probably lay low for a while, forget the paper I gave you earlier for a minute. Mac's given your name out to a few people, your address too. I don't know what they're going to do, but don't worry about it, I'm going to sort whatever this is out. Just give me time.

Speak soon. Stay safe, Kody baby ;)
Received: 19:36

"He calls you baby?" Dakota raises an eyebrow, his arms folded as he stares down at me from where I sit in the middle of the mattress, covers bunched up at my waist. He looks annoyed, but he hides it well.

My mouth opens and closes several times, my mind not working quick enough to form words. There's two major questions on my mind. How do I explain this? And what the fuck does Ricky mean Mac's been giving out my fucking information?

"Uh, yeah," I shake my head, trying to focus on one thing at a time. "He doesn't value his life as much as you think he does. He's suicidal, that nickname is a cry for help."

"Don't." Kota snaps. "Don't do that, Kody. Don't make jokes about this. It isn't funny."

I frown. "I'm not saying it is, and I'm sure as fuck not joking."

Dakota looks like he doesn't know what to do or how to react. His anger slips through his calm and collected facade as he paces a little. "I really don't think you're taking this as serious as you should, Kodes. Mac isn't someone you fuck with, okay? I know he probably seems like he's all bark and no bite, but trust me when I say he has people to do the biting for him."

"Can we like, not talk in metaphors right now? I'm having a little trouble deciphering your codes."

He rolls his eyes, ignoring my comment. "Look," he comes to kneel in front of me on the bed, grabbing my face with both his hands. He forces me to look at him, our eyes clashing. He looks serious, a little worried. "Tell me what you've gotten yourself into and I'll fix it, alright? I'll go over there now and I'll fix it."

My heart palpates in my chest, it causes me to take in a subtle intake of breath before I'm able to reply.  "Seriously, Dakota? I don't need you playing hero, I can fix this myself." I push him away with a shove at his broad chest. He stays kneeled on the bed, but his body now leans away from me. "And besides, Ricky said he'll fix it for me, so I don't actually have to do anything."

Dakota's face falls and he looks offended, straightening himself to his full height. "Ricky? You'd rather let Ricky help you? Kody, he can't fucking be trusted. He's a manipulative, conniving, backstabbing—."

"Sleeping-with-peoples-Zorra's kind of guy?" I finish for him, my own glare set on my face. He doesn't say anything, leading me to believe I'm right. That she really was the reason for their hatred for each other— or at least the initial reason. I roll my eyes and snort in a sarcastic, mocking way. "I get it, you're still sad over Ricky fucking your ugly little bitch," I spit. "But get over it Dakota, there's bigger fucking problems in the world!" It's spiteful, I hear Jace's chastising voice tell me in my head, but I don't care. Not even when his face falls and he looks a little pained at what I had just thrown back in his face.

I purse my lips, looking down at the phone in my hand still open on Ricky's message. It's quiet, Dakota doesn't say anything and I'm slightly anxious to look back up to see the look on his face, so I decide not to. He can switch quite quickly, I know, so I can just imagine how angry he probably looks now that the shock of my words has worn off.

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