Chapter Five

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Chapter 5– Don't underestimate your abilities:

We pull up at the hospital in Jace's truck at around noon. The air is cold as I step onto the pavement and my lips instantly dry. I wait for Jace to walk around from the drivers side and we head into the building together.

        I hadn't wanted to come, but Jace has a way with words... or more specifically, blackmail. It doesn't surprise me considering his background.

"Be nice and respectful. You need to think of what she's going through right now and have empathy," Jace tells me as we pile into the already-crowded elevator. "Remember what I told you?"

        "To stop putting shards of glass in your bed when you piss me off."

        He rolls his eyes, "No. Well yes, I did tell you that. But that's not what I'm on about."

        "Then it couldn't have been that important because I don't remember," I shrug, watching as the numbers above the doors change with each floor we pass.

        "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all," he reminds me. "Lilah is in a vulnerable state right now. So be mindful of that, please."

        I sigh, "Sure, whatever. You don't want me to talk. I'm good with that."

From my peripheral vision I can see he's turned to look at me with what I assume is a frown. "I basically tell you to only say nice things and you come back with saying you just won't talk? How about just try and be nice for once?"

"No, I'm good."

"Kody. Please?"

"I told you," I face him with a glare. "I won't talk. Don't ask me for more than that."

Jace huffs quietly under his breath but doesn't say another word. The elevator doors soon open and I step out, Jace behind me.

We walk to Lilah's room in silence, neither one of us speaking; Jace because he's pissed off and me because I don't want to.

When we get there, her room is free of visitors apart from Mrs. Johansson who sits at her daughters bedside, smiling and chatting away with the recovering redhead. Lilah is the first to spot us as she stops her conversation and looks over to the doorway me and Jace both stand at awkwardly.

"Sorry to interrupt," Jace smiles politely, holding up the flowers in his hand. The bear he bought Lilah rests in the crook of his arm and the box of chocolates are in his other hand, the card stuck to the packaging with cellotape. "We just wanted to drop by and see how you're doing."

I refrain from correcting the 'we' and telling them it was Jace who wanted to stop by. Instead, I stand quietly by Jace's side, watching as Lilah's face brightens up at the sight of us, her bruised but healing face focused on Jace as he speaks. "That's so kind, thank you," she says a little raspy.

Lilah's mom stands, her expression soft as she faces us. "That is very sweet of the both of you," her eyes find mine. "It's great that you stopped by." Although she's addressing me and Jace, I feel like her words are more directed at me, but I brush it off because I don't care for her gratitude. "I'll give you some privacy. I've been meaning to head down to the cafeteria anyway."

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