The End (Ben's Ending)

18 2 0

May??, 2011, ???

(Y/N) pov

Is that... Ben?

I felt him shaking my shoulders, and everyone was crowded around him. I could hear him muttering something, and call out for someone. My head felt like someone had shoved a box fell of cotton in it. My mouth felt like desert sand, and I tried to sit up. I heard a sigh of relief escape from Ben's mouth.

Sitting up was a very bad choice on my part. Waves of nausea hit me, and a panicked Ben pushed me back down, genitally forcing me to lay back. By now, more of my vision started to clear up. And with that, a new face started rushing to me, practically pushing Ben aside, and he started examining me. He was thin, and tall. With black hair circling his face, and skin paler then that of a dead body.

His face was sunken in, and he looked like he hadn't slept for years. He wore a medical mask, along with a blood soaked Doctor's jacket. He knelled to my level, and began to check my eyes, my mouth, my tempter, and touched everything I would allow him to touch. He gave an unsure nod, and backed up from me, helping me sit up.

I heard few gasps, instilling a sudden small ounce of fear. 'What is wrong? Did it not work? It must have!' I frantically looked to my left, to my right, seeing no doll. But relief cradled me, in seeing the doll ahead of me. That prison cell of the doll was finally empty, of everything. It no longer bounded me to its cold frame. I was no longer just a toy, to be mingled with or thrown. I could feel, I could do what I please, I could do whatever! And best of all...

I'm not tiny anymore!

I thew myself into Ben's arms, catching him off guard. he almost tumbled back, with the only thing stopping that, was the fact that he was kneeling. "Thank you so much, for everything." I held him tightly, ignoring the eyes of everyone surrounding us. He froze for a second, but soon calmed down enough to hug back. It felt quiet between us, even though everyone's mouths were moving. Time slowed down, as he brought me closer, and I felt something change.

Like a spark in my chest, stronger then any other feeling in my chest. It was out of no where, and it had made me confused. I had felt sparks in my life, with women like Angela, and Marilyn, but this was more then that. It was strange, especially since I only experienced this with women. It was new, but my heart ached, when we pulled away, and sound had returned to us.

We made eye contact, and he scrambled to look away. His face redder then ever, and I felt somewhat hurt, when he moved away. The doctor, lightly grabbed my arm, guiding me to stand to my feet. Everyone began to "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Sally asked, running up from behind me. "Well, I certainly feel different, in a very good way." I answered.

She gave a bright smile, but stopped walking. She ran back, to where I laid and ran back over to me. She was holding the doll. "What do we with this?" She asked, looking down at it. The doctor sat me down in the kitchen, leaving to talk to Slender. I looked over the doll again.

I hated being in the doll, but I didn't hate the doll itself. It held some bad memories, but all bodies hold unpleasant moments. I saw how Sally looked at it. She held so much love for the doll, with so much hope in me saying yes. I nodded my head, to the idea, causing her head to spark up. "Keep the doll. I want you to have it." I smiled. She smiled and rejoiced, and ran to her room, shutting the door.

I looked around, still with eyes on me. I shifted uncomfortably. I was never able to get comfortable with multiple pairs of eyes on me. Someone sat next to me, changing the weight on the table. It was Brian, only without his mask.

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