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diary entry #2847
The snow is getting worse. Taehyung and I had to make a makeshift cover this morning to go around the door to ensure that we don't get snowed in. Taehyung's already planning on building something more sturdy for the next winter.

diary entry #2848
I fall in love with him every day
with his laugh
with his smile
with his touch
how can I not love this man?

diary entry #2849
We finished Dr. Dolittle today. Taehyung wants to start it from the beginning again. We tend to do that with books we love.

diary entry #2850
The sun is out today, but it's too cold to sit outside, so we're sitting in the greenhouse. My tomatoes are growing like crazy right now, and Taehyung won't stop calling me the Tomato Master...I love him but he couldn't think of anything better than the Tomato Master?

diary entry #2851
went outside for the first time in forever. felt nice to feel the sun against my face....and then Tae threw snow at my face and tackled me down a's okay though, I shoved show down his pants so we're even

diary entry #2852
saw Taehyung naked today...I screamed and ran into a door frame. I don't know what was wrong with me, I've seen him naked before. It didn't help that I just sort of stared at him afterwards not really sure what to do.
I feel bad for staring
And for screaming
And for running into a door frame
Taehyung thought it was funny, and called me adorable

diary entry #2853
Taehyng cheats at scrabble

diary entry #2854
and at cards

diary entry #2855
...and at monopoly

diary entry #2856
the sun is out again, and some of the snow has even melted away. I don't know how many months have passed since the snow fell, but I'm hoping that the snow will go away soon. Taehyung and I spent the entire day outside, walking around and soaking in the sun. It felt nice to feel the sun on my skin again, and not even feel cold once.

diary entry #2857
the snow is back, meaning Taehyung and I are confined to the bunker.

diary entry #2858
I wish I had more experience with relationships. Or at least with kissing. Taehyung and I kiss a lot more now - not that I'm complaining, I love kissing him - I just wish I knew what I was doing half of the time. Taehyung says I'm getting better. He's so good at it and I'm just....Taehyung says it's cute, but I don't wanna be cute. I wanna be....well, I'm not quite sure I can explain the feeling, but I want to be...rough? with him. I want him to kiss me but not in the way he has been. I want more and I don't know how to bring it up to him. I want to make him feel good.

diary entry #2859
started rereading Dr. Dolittle today. Taehyung fell asleep four chapters in. He'd been shoveling all morning. I stopped reading to play with his hair. He's finally letting it grow out again, which makes me happy. He looks so peaceful sleeping against me, with his face smushed against my shoulder. It's hard for me to write this without waking him. He needs rest, he spends so much time shoveling these days. I wish he would let me help.

diary entry #2860
I can't wait for warmer weather. Taehyung and I are running out of things to do in the bunker. We don't have the attention span to play board games anymore. It's days like this where I think that maybe I can get some work done around the bunker. Like cleaning. But Taehyung has taken to kissing me a lot more as a distraction, and who am I to tell him no?

diary entry #2861
I miss summer

_____ 🌿 _____

day three baby let's go

also if smut makes you uncomfortable then I apologize cause the next two chapters have some mature content

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