24 - Baby Steps

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24 - Baby Steps

His eyes were happy, crinkling slightly in the sides as he smiled widely at our baby girl. She had light brown hair like her father, blue eyes like her mother and she couldn't be more beautiful than she already was. We were so happy to have such an angel in our lives.

"Hey princess, come to daddy!" Justin said excitedly as he held his hands out. Aubrey was standing with her hands on the coffee tables supporting herself and grinning widely at Justin as he talked to her. Here I was, in the doorway, almost with tears down my cheeks because I was so, so happy.

Justin and I had been trying to get her to walk in a long time, since she was close to turning one year old and if she could walk before birthday them it'd be just great.

Aubrey decided to be stubborn and so the complete opposite of what Justin wanted her to do. She sat down on her butt, wiggling her arms and legs around. Justin's face fell as he dropped his hands from the position they were, ready to garb her when she were supposed to walk towards him.

"Justin, it's late. Just tuck her in and we'll go to bed," I said and walked towards him before squatting down beside him. My hand founded it's way to the back of his neck where he massaged lightly, making the knots disappear.

"I just don't understand," he said and stood up, walking towards Aubrey and picked her up. She was tired, it was obvious when she let her head rest on his shoulder. I smiled softly at them both. "I don't understand how she can't walk yet, she's eleven months old."

"I know honey but just give her the time. Rushing her to do it won't help her," I said and leaned, pecking his lips softly before pecking Aubrey's forehead, my fingertips moving her long, curly hair behind her ear. She had so much hair, it was crazy.

"Tuck her in and come to bed," I said and left to our bedroom to get to bed. About ten minutes later, Justin appeared in the bedroom and stripped off his clothes. He quickly brushed his teeth and got into bed beside me.

Snuggling up to me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and hid his face in the crook of my neck. My hand wandered up and down his arm, the other nuzzling his hair. "It's frustrating," he mumbled.

"I know."

"She's eleven months old, she should be able to walk now. I learned it when I was ten months old," he said and leaned his head on his hand as he looked down at me. My hand ran through his hair, repeatedly.

"Would please lay down and get some sleep?" And so he did until next morning.


Once again, Justin wanted Aubrey to walk. I was watching from my seat at the dining table while drinking my coffee. I was laughing, Aubrey was Miss Opposite as Justin tried and tried to make her walk to him by speaking sweetly, showing her how and clapping his hands together. It was a wonderful thing to watch, they were both laughing even though you could tell Justin was getting frustrated with her.

"Baby, you have to walk someday!" Justin whined and clapped his hands onto the floor.

"Justin, I don't thi-"

"Oh my god!" Justin said loudly, his smile growing bigger as he looked at our daughter. When I turned to look at her, she was standing up without supporting herself and was walking slowly and unbalanced towards Justin, her tongue out as she concentrated on her feet. When she reached his hands, se fell into them. Justin lifted her up and hugged her tightly, pressing kisses to her cheeks and forehead as he smiled, small tears evident in his eyes. "Did you see that?" He asked, grinning at me.

I nodded, smiling widely. I didn't know what made me happier - to see Justin so happy about Aubrey taking her first steps or the fact that she just did exactly that. Deciding I was more happy about Aubrey taking her first steps, I walked to them and hugged them both.

"What do you guys say to celebrate this with pancakes?" I grinned at them both. Justin nodded along with Aubrey's clapping of her tiny hands. We were all happy because Aubrey took her first baby steps.

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