43 - News on TV

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43 - News on TV

"Baby, c'mon!"

Backstage. At Ellen. With Justin - my boyfriend. He has been begging me for the past week, wanting me to join him on stage for the interview since he wanted to tell the world the big news in our family. I wanted people to know too but not already. We had almost just found out ourselves and now he wanted to tell the whole world? Crazy he is but I'm not gonna lie, he's my kind of crazy.

"Justin, I can't join you up there. You're the one people are expecting to see," I said as I held on to his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Baby, don't you want the world to know about this?" Justin asked, placing a careful hand on my still flat yet growing belly.

"I do, of course but can't we wait? We just found out ourselves a few weeks ago."

Justin sighed, looking into my pleading eyes before giving in. "Fine but I still want you to come on stage with me." Giving him my best glare, I gave his hand another, more painful, squeeze. He winked at me and pecked my temple as we stood, waiting for him to go on stage.

"We're on in 3... 2... 1!" A man shouted. Justin and I turned to look at the small flat screen where Ellen appeared.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to today's show!" Ellen said excitedly. A round of applause was heard. "We have a great show for you tonight! We have Justin Bieber..." She smirked and continued "and his girlfriend here!"

I smiled as I heard the audience clap and chant. Justin wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. "Let's have the first guest out. Justin Bieber and his girlfriend, Y/N, everyone!"

Justin turned on his heel and pulled me with him as we walked onstage. I'm so gonna kill him when we get home. Following him shyly, I looked around the studio seeing a lot of people smiling at us, calming me already. I was afraid people would flip out about me joining him but I guess his fans have grown for the past three years. I didn't expect them to hate me but at least show that they didn't enjoy seeing me onstage with him.

"Justin!" Ellen smiled and opened her arms before giving him a kiss on the cheek, hugging him tightly. "It's so good to see you again."

When Justin said hello, he moved out of the way and Ellen smiled widely at me. Her eyes landed on my stomach for a split second before she met my eyes again and then I knew Justin had told her. I was a bit afraid she'd bring it up but I hope she'll respect our privacy and enjoy she's one of the close friends of Justin who knows. "Y/N, you look wonderful. Nice to see you again."

"You too Ellen," I smiled as I hugged her. We pulled away and she sat down. I looked back at Justin who still stood behind me, wanting me to sit down first. How sweet of him. I sat down on the couch closest to Ellen, Justin sitting down beside me. As soon as he was seated, his hand landed on my exposed thigh.

"You guys are adorable. How is the relationship going?" Ellen asks, a smile on her face.

Justin decides to answer. Please don't say it, please please please. - "It's pretty good actually, I'm completely under a spell and I really don't want or need anyone else."

"Aw," Ellen coos, "so Y/N, a little birdie told me you guys are more than serious." My breath hitch in my throat but I'm soon calmed by Justin taking my hand in his, locking our fingers. But he shouldn't be so calm as he is. If Ellen decides to talk about the baby, I won't hesitate to slap him right here, right now.

I hesitate a bit before talking. "Yeah, I'd say so," I decide to say. Ellen smiles widely at me, as does Justin.

"I would too," Ellen says, "I mean you're pregnant and you guys have probably already talked about marriage, am I right?"

I stiffen in my seat, the sound of the audience gasping was the only thing I could hear. Justin should be afraid. I'm pregnant and my mood is changing incredibly quickly. I exhale deeply, feeling Justin's eyes on me as well as everyone else's. I was furious. I clearly told him I'd like to wait but of course he doesn't listen. I pretend as if it is all okay, giving Ellen a smile. "Yeah, we have."

"Oh, good. I was starting to worry for a second there," she chuckled. I faked a laugh, mentally sending a mad, mad face at Justin. He was so oblivious to what a rant he was going to get when we got home.

"Well, I'm sure you guys are pretty excited then? I suppose I'm getting an invite for the wedding and that I'm going to be the godmother of your child," Ellen said and winked, "nah, I'm just kidding. You guys should decide who you'd like as a godmother but if no one wants to, I'll volunteer." Ellen laughed and sent me a comforting smile.

I liked Ellen and I couldn't be mad her. She didn't know I didn't want her to tell the secret we had held for a few weeks now.

"Give a huge hand for Justin and his girlfriend, Y/N!" And with that we were off stage and on our way to the van waiting outside the building.

Justin guided me into the car with a hand on the small of my back, being very careful and watching my step. Ever since I told him I was pregnant, he had been awfully caring and telling to watch out for myself and the baby.
I loved him so much but right now, I was so mad I could break something.

"Thank you baby," he said, placing a peck to my temple as the driver started to drive out of the lot. "Thank you for going on stage with me."

When I didn't answer or looked at him, I felt him touch my thigh. Giving it a light squeeze, he left small kisses up my neck and around to my cheek. "What's wrong, babe?"

"I can't believe you," I spat lowly. I turned to look at him, his eyebrows furrowed as I glared at him. "I can't believe you told Ellen and let her tell the whole world! Justin, we haven't even told our parents yet and know the whole world knows. My parents weren't supposed to find out through Ellen!"

"I'm sorry baby. I'm just so overwhelmed by this, I can't stop telling people about it. I'm sorry, alright? I didn't meant to."

"I'm sure you didn't, I'm just mad because I told you not to tell it and then you go and so that exactly," I frowned.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He said quietly, "let's drive to your parents house right now and let them know?"

I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder, feeling his lips on top my head. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too, Justin."

Justin Bieber Imagines | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now