29 - Midnight Snack

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29 - Midnight Snack

I'd been tossing and turning all night, my stomach was growling like a mad dog. I turned over, trying to fall back asleep but another growl from my stomach made me get out of bed. I quickly slipped on a shirt of Justin's before heading downstairs and into the kitchen. I was determined to get some food just so my stomach would shut up and let me sleep.

I started to rummage through the cabinets, finding a bag of chips. It was a bag Justin had bought but it was the only thing that I didn't have to cook so I grabbed it along with a bottle of water and sat on top of the counter. Happily, I opened the bag and started to eat the salty snack when I heard footsteps nearing the kitchen.

Justin walked through the door opening, his hands furiously rubbing his eyes as he yawned. "What are you doing?" He asked as he eyed the bag of chips beside me on the counter. I sent him a crooked smile, trying to act innocent.

He chuckled and walked up to me, placing his hands flat on top of my thighs. His head rested against my shoulders as he rubbed circles with his thumbs on the bare skin. "I was hungry," I mumbled, chips in my mouth.

"Baby, it's 3 am," he claimed with a hint of amusement in his voice, "just come back to bed."

"My stomach were growling like a freaking lion, I couldn't sleep like that!" I stated, my eyes furrowing at him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my neck, resting his forehead against mine.

"You're the biggest food-lover I've ever known." I blushed and giggled, earning a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"You can just go back to bed, you know?" I said as I took another chips from the bag.

"I can't sleep without you," he mumbled, his lips ghosting over my cheek. I chuckled, my hand pressing against his chest.

"You're awfully touchy in the middle of the night." He shrugged, his lips pouting. I grabbed his chin between my fingers and leaned up, pecking his lips quickly before packing the chips away and taking a sip of the water bottle. Jumping down from the counter, I grabbed Justin's hand and pulled him with me upstairs and back into the bedroom.

We both crawled back into bed and turned off the lights, the darkness engulfing us. I laid my head on Justin's chest, my fingers brushing over the lines of his abs, his stomach tensing once in awhile due to his ticklish habit. I smiled and kissed his skin before drifting off to sleep.

"Night, Justin."

"Goodnight, baby girl."


Oh my god, this one was boring. It was just a quick one so you'd have a little to start your day off with or something to get you to sleep better ;) goodnight from here!

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