34 - Questions

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34 - Questions

I can still remember her words coming from her smiling lips as if it was just yesterday. She was so happy, I was so happy but I went and ruined it. I was a coward, a douche and an asshole who couldn't stand up to his own actions. I broke my promise, I broke my two important promises I've ever said to her and I broke her heart also in the process.

How does that make you feel?

It makes me feel like hell. I broke the heart of the woman I loved and love so much. I can't even deal with the fact that I was the reason of our divorce.
I can't put words to it but if I have to... It feels like fucking shit.

You feel arrogant, self concentrated and like you don't give two shits about he people around you. It hurts to think I'm the reason of the broken heart and the broken promises. I understand she doesn't want to see me or talk to me again, it's totally and completely understandable.

What was the best thing about her?

The best thing about her? Man, I can't put that into words either. She was and is perfect in every, little way. Everything from her hair to her heart. She is so beautiful, everything about her is beautiful and so so innocent. She almost can't even kill a fly. I loved her so deeply and I still do, no matter what happens.

What about your little son? Jamie, right?

Yeah, Jamie. Uh, Jamie is a strong little guy. He's only five years old and he has already been through so much. He experienced his parents' divorce which he shouldn't have. He shouldn't have experienced it at all.

But he's taking it as it comes, he's a smart kid and absolutely happy with staying at his moms house. He should be with her.

He visits me often, but it's always my mother who picks him up. Y/N doesn't want to see me or talk to me at all. But after all, just the feeling of having my son at home and in my arms as we watch tv or play games, is the best feeling in the world. He's the only thing I have left from his mother and as long as I got him, I'll be alright.

Is there any hope for you getting back together?

I have to be honest and say I don't know at all. I wish I did but I really don't. Y/N is one of a kind and it's going to be hard to find one like her because there's just her. It'll always be her and no one else, she knows that. Is told her hundreds of times she'll always be the love of my life. That's why I asked her to marry me in the first place. Because I knew she was the one.

I do have my hopes about us getting back together but my hopes are not getting up too high. I will just end up more devastated than I already am, I don't want to risk that. It wouldn't be comfortable for Jamie nor my family in general. I wouldn't want to risk anything before Y/N and I start speaking again.

My plan is to keep my feelings on low and my focus on my career and son until everything turns out alright.

Can we ask one last question?

Of course.

What did you do to make everything get out of hand?

I'm a man with the rights of privacy. My mistakes are meant for me to worry about and learn from, not yours.

I need my privacy just like everyone else and the mistakes I made that caused our family to split are my fault, our thing to know about and not the rest of the world. The people around me know I did something wrong, they know I regret it and they know I'm sorry for my actions but the past stays as it is, no one can change that. That's how life is and all we have to do is learn from our mistakes, learn about life through these mistakes and actions we sometimes do.

My mistake caused me to lose the love of my life. I can't change that unless she'll give me another chance... Until then, I don't want to answer more of your privacy breaking questions.


Okay, J. :)

I wanted to try something else and I really don't know what to think about it?

Tell me what you think and vote! Love you lots xx

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