32 - Don't give up yet | Part 1

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32 - Don't give up yet | Part 1

I was devastated, sad and so lonely. He promised time after time he'd start to actually participate in this relationship but as far as it seems, it's only me who's in this relationship.

He had gone from loving to distant, from intimate to not even giving me a kiss, from smiling to frowning. It took its toll on me, I was so close to have enough. I was so close to just pack my things and get the hell out of here but I loved him too much. I was so madly in love with him, I don't think he even knows how much I actually care for him.

He's my future, or was my future. He was going to be the father of my kids, be the one I was marrying and the one I'd grow old with but he had ruined it by being distant and faraway from my reach.

He'd come home late, he'd come home drunk. He'd walk through the living room where I'd been waiting for him, just saying a word and just continuing upstairs to the bedroom. He had gone to bed without a 'goodnight' or even a small glance. He didn't care anymore, he was too far away for me to pull him back again.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know who I should talk to or who I could stay with if I decided to leave. I didn't have much friends in LA, my whole family was back in Florida. Sure, I had enough money to buy a plane ticket but would it really be worth it? Would it be worth it just leaving? Was he even that special anymore? I couldn't make anything out, it was a mess in my head.

Going with my subconscious, I darted to the bedroom and started to pack my things. This relationship wasn't healthy enough to stay in anymore, it was not with fighting for anymore.
I had booked a ticket for a flight to Orlando. I was going home to my family, the only ones who would be able to actually comfort me. Justin couldn't before he was the reason why I needed it.

My hands were shaking as I zipped the suitcase. Once everything was packed, I picked up my hand luggage and grabbed the handle of the suitcase. I made my way through the house for maybe the last time. I took in everything; the pictures on the walls, the flowers Justin gave me a few days ago when he apologized, the color of the wall we painted together.

It was hard to leave this behind, but it was for the better. I could only imagine Justin's face when he noticed I wasn't there anymore. I just wondered if he'd be sad or happy I'd finally left. Maybe happy, he wouldn't have to deal with my fits and tears anymore.

Checking the letter I left, were still on the counter, I sighed and stepped back into the hallway. I slipped on my jacket and shoes before exiting the house. I closed and locked the door and walked down the steps to the cab. I placed the bags into the trunk and say inside, telling the driver to head to the airport.

"Where to miss?" The cab driver asked.

"The airport, please." He nodded and drove off. My eyes looked at the house disappearing as we drove further away from it.

This was it. I left and going back home, trying to see if I can forget the past two months. Hopefully, he won't treat his next girlfriend like this or I'd feel bad for her. But no matter what, she should feel lucky to have someone like him if he didn't act like the way he did with new. She'd have everything the world if she had him.

Justin Bieber Imagines | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now