Austin Valentine

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Well, I'm Austin, im 16, I play soccer for the school I attend and Im also the youngest Valentine brother out of us four and most people think that because I'm the nerdy little brother of the family I don't get any pussy. They just don't know that I get just as much as any of the others, girls love guys who are smart and have a nice personality, hell ask the Head cheerleader... She knows exactly what I'm talking about, but anyway veering from that subject, I've been playing this game with my brothers for the past 2 years, I'm pretty much in control of everything. We have a system in the house that we all go by, Sonny is the bad ass brother so he gets most of the girls, next up is Michael, he's the oldest brother and since he's captain of the football team he gets almost any girl that he wants, then there's Riley, he's the pretty boy of the family. Hes got the teachers and females of the school wrapped around his finger, he's clever and has a charm that practically saves his life in any situation. Then there's me, in the baby boy of the family and because of that, my brother tease and pick on me all the fucking time, only thing we all get along with doing is playing the game, I think if we all actually sat around and talked to one another, we'd be a lot closer than we are now, I'm not complaining, it's just a thought really. I'm the only brother in my family who actually has respect for rules and shit, the others do whatever it is they choose to, especially Sonny. I think that's all I really have to say about myself and the others, you'll have to see what they have to say in order to know more.

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