The Unexpected

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Austin's P.o.V

I walked into the team house and looked around for the others, I didn't see them and I scratched my head.

"Where the fu..." I started but was interrupted by Sonny coming in the house with a girl

He looked at me and I looked at the girl and he pushed her behind him as he stepped over to me.

"The hell you doing here?" He asked

"Mike told us all to meet him here, it was important." I shrugged

"I didn't get the message." Sonny said taking out his phone

"Well, he sent it like 30 minutes ago, I'm just waiting on the others." I said going to sit down

"Did he say what it was about?" He asked

"Nah, just told us to meet him."

Sonny nodded and told the girl that's he'd have to talk to her later because his brother needed him, she nodded and kissed him before leaving. Sonny sat in the bean bag and relaxed back on his arms.

"What could he want now?" He spoke

I shrugged and laid my head back on the couch, Kris and Vincent came inside and we looked over at them

"Why are we being called here?" Vinny said grabbing a beer sitting down

"No clue." Sonny shrugged

"Mike just told us meet him here." I said

"Well then, where is he?" Kris said grabbing a controller

"Said he'll be here in a little bit." Sonny said looking up from his phone

"Cool then." Kris said tossing me a controller

Riley walked in the house and shut the door behind him, he looked at all of us and sat down.

"Got the message?" He asked

We all nodded and kept doing what we were. Mike finally walked inside and went over to the pool table, he grabbed the scoreboard and walled over to the front of the TV.

"Good and bad news guys." He said

"Bad news first." Sonny said putting his phone down

"Well, I'm quitting the game." He said hesitantly

"What the hell, why!?" Riley asked sitting up

"...Why?" Sonny asked

"Whats the reason for doing so?" I questioned

He signed and erased his name off the board, he turned to all of us and put his hands together.

"Y'all... Are going to be uncles." He said looking at all of us

We all froze and looked dead at him, neither of us making a movement as we took in what he just said. Sonny exhaled and fell back as he ran his hands through his hair, I looked at Mike and shook my head in disbelief.

"How." I said slowly

"Well, Melissa told me she was yesterday after everyone went to bed." He smiled

Sonny didn't say anything as he got up and walked out of the room, Riley cleared his throat and smiled

"Well, congratulations Mike."

"Thanks Rile." He said

"Well, this should be something nice to tell Mom." I chuckled

"Deadass." Riley said laying his head back

Sonny came out the back and hugged Mike and tussled his hair.

"Here I thought I'd be the first to have a kid and you beat me to it, happy for you big bro." He said

"First for everything isn't there SB?" Kris said laughing

Sonny nodded and grabbed the board and put it back under the pool felt, we sat around and talked about Mikes news for a little while and eventually, Me, Sonny, Vinny and Kris left the house. We headed across town to the Heights and went to the rec center to play ball. I sat in the bleachers and watched them play, this girl sat down a few bleachers below me and looked over her shoulder at me before turning back around, I moved down beside her and smiled.

"I'm Austin." I said

"Veronica." She said looking over at me

"You like basketball?" I asked

"No,I just like watching the boys play." She blushed

"That's nice." I nodded

"Yeah especially when they take their shirts off." She joked

"You're one of those girls." I chuckled

She nodded and I went back to watching Sonny and the guys, he and Ricky guarded one another and Sonny dribbled the ball between his legs as he backed to the three point line

"Take the shot playboy." Ricky teased

"Much smarter than that." Sonny said as he watched Ricky's moves

"We'll see how much smarter then." Ricky laughed

Sonny called time out and put his foot on the ball as he took his shirt off, he tossed it down and cut his eyes at Ricky, I chuckled and knew exactly what he was about to do.

"Don't do him like that." I called out

"Looks like ima have to." Sonny said not looking this way

I shook my head and watched as he crossed Ricky and pump faked to the left, did a half spin to the right and went straight for the goal. He dunked the ball and hung onto the rim as he laughed and looked at Ricky.

"Now what we learn?" He said jumping down

"Who's he?" Veronica asked

"Who?" I said looking at her

"One with the tattoos."

"Ohh, that's my brother Sonny." I shrugged

"You know him?" She asked

"Worse, I live with him."

"He's a cute one." She smiled

"Sure." I laughed

"Is he single?" She asked

I smirked and shrugged as I leaned on the rail and called Sonny over.

"What's up?" He asked walking over

"Veronica here wants to know if you're single." I said

Sonny smirked and looked my way, I nodded and he chuckled as he turned to Veronica.

"How old are you sweetheart?" He asked

"15." She said

"I'm 18 and no I'm not single Love. My little brother here is though, why don't you get to know him." He winked

I gave him dap and he chuckled as he turned and walked away. Veronica turned to me and I smirked as I looked at her.

"Did that help?" I asked

"Yes it did." She nodded

She and I talked a little longer until the guys were ready to leave the rec center, she gave me her number and I chuckled as I left the center with the boys.

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