Changing The Game

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Sonny's P.o.V

Michael, Anthony, Timothy, Austin, Riley and I all got in from school with the same mind set, getting down to business. We all walked inside and instantly took a seat, Mikey began searching the girls in the book Riley brought home and Me, Riley and Timothy sat at the table and laid out the plans on how we were going to change our scoreboards.

I wrote down the first idea for the lay out and the boys all took a look at it before giving me some feedback.

"You should put the girls in a certain category, the highest rank gets the girls that are toughest for us others to handle and then on down the line, we change the difficulty of getting pussy based on how well you play." Riley said drawing it out and showing me

"Okay so, let's say Taylor is the hardest to get in bed with and Lisa being the easiest, does that mean I have to go after Taylor and Anthony goes for Lisa?" I asked

"Yeah we'll put the girls picture and a few aspects about her under each one of our names and everytime we get the top girl on our list, we move up a rank and eventually switch the names around to the order we're wining in." Riley said

"Why not get a scoreboard." Timothy said

"No, I mean a little scoreboard, we'll get 3 and each of us while have our names on it. You and Austin on the first, Riley and Mike on the next and then me and Anthony." He said

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him, I raised an eyebrow and the othee boys nodded.

"I like that idea, it sounds simple." Austin said

"It's not enough though, we need two more players and then we'll have an even game so its fair competition." I said

"Why don't you call Vinny and Kris?" Timothy and Riley both said

They looked at one another and Riley was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"I was thinking the same thing." I said getting my phone out and calling them.

"Chelllo." Vinny answered

"Remember the game right? Well we're bout to be bigger than ever just give it a few days, only thing holding us back is the players." I spoke

"You saying you need me?" He asked

"Yeah basically, now would be a good time to return a favor I did for you." I smirked

Couple weeks ago, Vinny got into some trouble with the Police and helped him, by bailing him out, since then, he said if I need anything just to let him know and this was something I needed.

"Well, give me about an hour and I'll be over." He said

"We're around back then."

He hung up the phone and I called Kris, we talked about meeting up and he said give him a little while and he'd be there. I walked over to Mikey and looked over his shoulder at the computer as he put together the score chart. I told him to add Kris and Vincent and he nodded as he typed their names into the empty score tab.

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