Championship Party

43 2 1

Sonny's P.o.V

I passed JeMarcus the ball and moved to the outside 3-point line, he passed it to Ray and he passed it back to me, I got the ball and watched as number 5 guarded me. I did a pump step and watched the shot clock, I pumped the ball and waited for him to go after it, he did and I shot the ball over him, it bounced around the rim and went in soon as the buzzer went off. I looked at the scoreboard and it pushed us three points ahead, we all cheered and the other players ran onto the floor. That shot made us the national champions for this year, the announcers brought the trophy to us and I handed it to Demarco as the team mates lifted us onto their shoulders.

"Told you we had this game in the bag." He cheered

"Most definitely did." I said giving him dap

We celebrated a little longer and we all headed back to the locker rooms, I sat down and took my shoes off, a few of the guys came over and gave me dap.

"Thanks for the game man." Cameron said before walking off

I nodded and put my shoes on the top shelf of my booth, I pulled my jersey off and hung it up. I changed into my jeans and put my t shirt over my shoulder as I walked out of the locker room. Me and Marco walked to my car and were met by a fee nice looking girl, I chuckled and hit his chest.

"Look at this shit."

"I want the butterscotch one." He smirked

"Why you even gotta be like that?" I laughed

"Maybe next time playa." He said giving me dap and walking ahead of me

I shook my head and laughed as I walked over to him and the girls.

"Hey Sonny." One of them said

"Hey Sweetheart."

"I'm Hazel." She said holding her hand out for me

I grinned and shook her hand.

"Name to match your eyes?" I asked

"I guess so." She smiled

"Its pretty, but what's up?" I asked

"Just wondering if you were going the championship party." She said

I looked at Marco and he shrugged as he tipped his head, I teased my chin hair and nodded.

"Yeah I'm going."

"Awesome, hope to see you there." She said winking and kissing my cheek

I got in the car and tipped my head to Marco and pulled out the parking lot, I drove home and walked in the house.

"How was the game?" Mom asked

"We won." I said stomping upstairs

I walked in my room and went in the bathroom and turned the shower water on, I got undressed and stepped in. I showered for a little while and dried off after I got out. I tussled my hair until it was dry and didn't even bother to style it, I pulled on some briefs and looked through my closet for something to wear. I decided on Deep Blue and White short sleeve Polo, a pair of White True Religion jeans and a pair of Deep Blue Hi-Top Air Forces. I got dressed and pulled on my Gold chain and Rolex, I grabbed a belt and put it on before putting my stuff in my pockets, grabbing my snapback and walking out the room. I jogged downstairs and put my hat on as I walked to my car, my phone buzzed and I looked down at it.

Location: 647 North Palamotive Ave house on the left .... Or with muthafuckas everywhere

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