Michael Valentine

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I'm going to be quick and simple about this introduction shit, I'm Michael but you can call me Mike, I'm 19 about to be 20 in a couple says and Im the oldest and most clever brother of the family. My brother and I have this game that we play against one another, some call it the "Valentine Countdown" we didn't really call it a name but everyone around school knows it by that name so we go by it, a few of the teachers know as well but haven't really said anything about it, we make it impossible for them to know what we do when we're not around them, this means, the gyms, locker rooms, bathrooms and occasionally another teachers classroom. It all takes stealth and skill, which is something we've all gotten good at controlling, no one can catch our next or last move. We're not the only ones who have a game like this, we're just the best in school, the Freshmen, Sophomore and Juniors have a game going around as well, but ours is the largest one circling around both the high school and college campuses. What can I say, we're just that good. Thats pretty much that all needs to be known about the game and us.

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