The Valentines

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Michael's P.O.V

I walked over to my locker and was met by the gaze of a short light skin girl, I flashed a smile and put my books away for the weekend, I shut my locker and she looked at me again. I walked over to her and leaned on the lockers as I extended my hand for hers.

"Hi, I'm Michael." I said grinning

"I'm Hannah." She said taking my hand and shaking it

She smiled shyly and chuckled and I kicked my charm into high gear.

"So I overhead you and your friends right there talking about studying, the four of you could study with my brothers an I if you'd like." I offered

She looked back at her girls and chewed her lip as she nodded her head yes.

"Sure." She replied.

I smiled and looked at her

"I'll get my brothers and we'll meet you out in the parking lot." I stated

"Sure thing." She said walking to her girls

I jogged off and went to find my brothers, I found them out by the field house and walked over to them.

"Good news muthafuckas."

"What?" Sonny asked folding his arms.

"Got a few girls that want to come study." I smirked

"Oh yeah? How many." Austin asked eyeing me

"One for each of us." I said

"I guess we're gonna be studying then." Riley said smirking and patting my chest walking past me

We all fell in line behind him and walked back into the school, they put their bags away and we walked out to the parking lot. I spotted Hannah and her friends and directed the guys to them, Sonny grinned slyly and walked over to the dark skinned girl, Austin and Riley got the other two and I smiled at Hannah.

"Ladies, these are my brothers. Austin, Riley and I'm sure you all know Sonny."

Sonny gave me the finger and put his arm around the girl he had shoulder and guided her to his car. He looked back over his shoulder and made a check mark in the air to indicate he was gonna add to his total.

"This nigga here." Austin said, clearly catching the hint

Riley didn't say anything as he smirked and put his hand in his pocket as he walked off. Austin and I gave one another a look and he nodded as he walked off, I got in my truck with Hannah and headed home, by the time we made it back to the house my brothers were already home.

"What'd they do speed?" Hannah joked

"Sonny most likely did." I said laughing

"He's quite the character isn't he?"

"He can be." I said as we went inside.

I walked in the living room and seen Austin and Melissa literally studying, I scoffed and walked up the stairs.

"My room is up here." I told Hannah

She followed behind me and walked in the room ahead of me.

"Sit anywhere you like, I'll be right back." I said backing out the room and going to my brothers rooms.

Sonny was in his talking to the girl so I just shut the door and walked out, and knocked on Riley's door, he opened it and gave me the signal to mark him off a point on the list, I nodded and walked back to my room. Hannah looked at me and smiled.

"Ready to study?" She asked happily

"Yeah." I said sitting on the bed with her

We started reading page 658 in the textbook and took a few notes, after about an hour or so we finished and just started talking to one another. She told me that she'd heard from her friends about my brothers and I and I couldn't help but laugh and shrug it off, apparently Sonny has gotten around to the girls on the college campus, after this I definitely had to give him his props. As Hannah and I talked I looked over at the Game board and smirked as I looked at her closely

"Wouldn't you prefer finding out that for yourself?" I asked smoothly

"I kind of do actually." She responded

I leaned over and kissed her, she stopped me and got off the bed, I looked at her and she stood in front of me and pulled her shirt off, I gave a half smile and pulled my shirt off, she looked at me and put her hand on my chest and pushed me on my back as she climbed on top of me. I pulled her down into a kiss and slid my hands up her back to her bra and unhooked it, I pulled it off of her and grabbed her hip as I flipped her so I was on top. I started kissing down her neck and she put her arms behind my head, I kissed down to her stomach and then back up, she reached down and unbuttoned my jeans, I took them off and kissed her.

Few hours after the girls left, my brothers and I all met in my room, they sat around and I grabbed the game board and sat it on the stand.

"Austin did you hit?" I asked

"Yezzzer." He said nodding

"Sonny...don't even have to ask you." I said marking a tally under his name.

"You knew before I even came in here." He responded as he folded his arms and leaned back in the desk chair.

"Riley you get in or nah bro?" I questioned

He smiled and shrugged as he relaxed against the wall

"Oh I got in." He said

We all laughed and I showed them the board.

"So far Sonny is ahead of us. Riley you're not far behind though, a threesome should get y'all tied up." I said sitting on my desk

Sonny chuckled and looked at all of us.

"I know some people on the college campus of y'all interested." He said smirking

"Yeah, I heard about you Mr.Sunshine." I teased

"I just know the right people." He said shrugging

Our Mom opened the door and we all looked over at the door.

"What are you boys up to?" She asked

"Just talking Ma." Sonny said smiling at her

"Mhm about what?" She said coming in the room

"" Austin said

"Awwh, I'm so proud of you boys." She said excited

We all shot Austin a dirty look and then looked back at Mom.

"We'll be down to help with dinner in a bit." Riley saved

"Getting me out of here huh?" She joked

Sonny got up and walked her out of the room

"Of course not Mom." He said

They went downstairs and we all looked at Austin and he slumped down a little.

"Next time let Riley do the talking, what the fuck were you thinking?" I snarled

"Didn't think before I said it." He responded

Riley put his arm around him and looked at me

"Chill out Mikey, it wasn't that dumb of a move, so what if she asks about it a few times, not something we can't get out of. As for you Austin, be careful what you tell Mom, she can't know about the game." Riley said calmly

"He's right." I said softening my tone.

"Sorry guys." Austin apologized

I pulled him into a brother hug and patted his back.

"Don't sweat it kiddo, you'll learn soon enough. Just listen to dingbat here and you're all good." I said teasing Riley

We all laughed and headed downstairs to help Mom prepare dinner.

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