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Sonny's P.o.V

I walked out the school and quickly headed home, I had my signing in 30 minutes and I wasn't trying to miss it. I hopped in the car and hurried home, I pulled in the yard and sprinted in the house, I jogged upstairs two at a time and went in my room to take a shower,I hopped out and changed into my suit, I dried my hair and sprayed my cologne on after I brushed my teeth, I flashed a smile before going to my closet and getting an outfit to change into after the signing. I got a pair of White and Red And1 shorts, a White tank top and a pair of Red and White Airmax, I put it all in a duffle bag and headed across town to the Honors Hall. I walked inside and greeted a few of my friends, I sat down with them and we waited for our names to be called.

"What school are you signing to Demarco?" I asked looking over at him

"AAU." He said

"Same here." I said

"Ima have to room with your hoe ass then. Ima need all the bitches I can get a hold of." He chuckled

"Ima need all the hook ups I can get." I said pushing his shoulder

"Got you if you got me." He said

"Got yourself a deal." I said shaking his hand

"Demarco Anthony Hayes." The announcer called

He jumped up and fixed his tie as he walked over to the table and sat down, they talked to him about the scholarship and about how he'd have to keep a steady 3.0 gpa and not have any infractions with the supervisors. He agreed to all of it and they handed him a pen and he signed his letter of intent, he grinned widely and stood up as he acknowledged everyone that helped him.

"Last but not least, wouldn't be here without the help of my great teammate and brother, Sonny." He said pointing at me

I chuckled and raised my hand to him, he pulled me on the stage with him and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Give it up for my team captain and leader." He said chuckling and slapping my chest.

I stepped off the stage and went to take my seat, I listened as the other boys were called and looked down at my watch, my Mom still hasn't showed up. I clenched my jaw and looked over at the door way, Kris, Mark, Bryson and Cameron walked in and I gave a small smile as I tipped my head to them. I turned back to the stage and waited for them to call my name, I put my head down and sighed.

"Sonny Egnacio Valentine." They called

I exhaled and fixed my slacks as I stood up, walked to the stage and shook the coaches hands before taking my seat.

"Mr.Valentine, you're here today for the signing of your intent to play basketball on a full scholarship for the college AAU."

I nodded and he continued

"Accepting this scholarship, you will also be accepting the responsibility of keeping an average GPA of 3.0 and not a single infraction with any facilitator, understand?" He asked

"Yes sir." I nodded

"You will be housed on the campus, will have to abide by campus regulations and the scholarship will pay for your housing, books, classes, and basic expenses." He said

I nodded and he read the rest of the regulations to me, I looked out at the people and didn't see any of my brothers or my Mom, my heart dropped a little and I clenched my jaw as I listened to the announcer. They handed me a pen and laid my paper in front of me, I signed my name and slid the paper forward, I gave a wide fake smile and grabbed my cap as I stood up.

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