Mr & Mrs Riley

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Riley's P.o.V

Since it was just me at home, I decided to practice my singing for the talent show the school had coming up. No one even knew I sang, except Sonny of course, this nigga knew everything, he also knew that if I used my singing abilities to pick up girls I'd easily pass him in the game.

As soon as that thought passed, something occured to me, all I had to do was sing to a girl and I have a much better chance of getting her. I smirked to myself and turned on the shower, I let it get hot and stepped inside.

After my shower and three hours alone at the house, I had perfected my act for the show, now I was bored as shit and no one was home, I sighed and went downstairs in the living room to play 2k, I put my headphones on and started playing the game.

"What it do Loser." Sonny said coming in the house slapping my shoulder

"What's it to you?" I joked

"Hmm, let's see, you probably been here going to work with your hand, so I'm not going to touch anything or you could've had a bitch here, so I'm still not going to touch anything." He said going in the kitchen

"I touched the fridge!" I yelled

"Guess I'm going to subway, then the gym with Nicole, you down?" He asked walking upstairs

"Might as well." I said going upstairs to change

"Bet." He said shutting his door

I shut my room door and changed into a pair of White and Red Nike track pants, I put on a White under armour sleeveless shirt and a pair of Red and White Jordan's. I grabbed my White wireless Beats by Dre, and headed out of the room, Sonny came out of his room with the reverse colors I had on.

"How'd I not know." He said chuckling

"We're brothers." I said shrugging

"Remind me to come raid your closet, I know you got those foams I wanted." He said walking downstairs

"You have the astro pair I want." I said pushing his shoulder

"Sounds like a fair trade." He said grabbing his keys off of the wall

"Or I can just take them." I smirked

"Get ya ass beat to." He said shrugging

"Not sure about that part." I said getting in the car

"You'll just have to see then." He said revving the engine

"Exactly." I said relaxing in the seat

We went and picked up Nicole and then headed to Subway, I hopped in the back seat so the two of them could love and shit on one another, I swear they went with one other, but Sonny swore up and down they were just great friends. Nigga was lying, I knew he was, it was just the look he had across his face when he said 'Just great friends' I wasn't gonna sweat him about it though.

"Hey Riley." Nicole said turning to me

"Hey Nic." I smiled

"How ya been? Its been a while since I seen you, pretty one." She said laughing

She was right though, Sonny usually went out with her alone and when I asked he'd just tell me no maybe next time, that's why it surprised me he even offered this time. I didn't complain though, I had a 'great friend' like Nicole but she moved when her dad was sent to fight in Iran, I still miss her sometimes.

Her name was Riley as well, maybe that's why we got along so well, I'd met her my first year moving here with my brothers, that was around the time our parents had gotten custody of us once again and that wasn't until 4th grade. But, Riley was one of the people I sat at the table with, she was such a sweetheart and always put a smile across my face, we used to tease one another and she had been my crush for a long while.

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