Sonny Valentine

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Since I didn't agree to talk about myself I'm not going into full detail about myself, I don't see why the hell its so important. I'm Sonny, I'm 18 and I love fucking, it's pretty much the key to a happy life, especially when just about any and every girl want a piece of you. I'm the second oldest brother and I'm also the most successful with the ladies, me and my brother Riley that is, hes my roll dog and I swear we're the best brothers anyone could ask for. I guess some incite of myself is, I play basketball, I'm tatted and I enjoy the female body, hah but that's pretty much all I need you to know about me, don't see anything else that needs to be known. Oh yeah, one other thing, I'm cofounder of the game and let's just say, this was the best shit either of us had come up with, it's what makes high school fun. Don't get me wrong, Im not just a player, I respect women and if I find that one girl that makes me feel different then I'll stop what I'm doing, until then, it's not happening.

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