Cutting The Deal

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Kris's P.o.V

Sonny and I headed across town to look at potential places to make a larger Team House, we spent over half of our day looking around for a place and still didn't find one that we liked, as we pulled up to the last house, he sighed heavily and glared at me.

"Another one?" He asked

"Yezzzer." I nodded putting the car in park

"This is some bullshit."

"You might like it." I shrugged

"Emphasis on maybe." He quipped

We knocked on the door and the Realtor opened the door, we both gave her a wide smile and she invited us inside. She walked along side me and I smirked as I put my hands in my pockets, Sonny walked around the apartment and explored the many rooms that it offered. I jogged behind him and looked around, it had four bedrooms, two on each side of the hall. I walked back into the front area and nodded as I looked around.

"Yo Sonny!" I called

He didn't answer and I called him again, he didn't respond and I sighed and walked to the back of the house, I rounded the corner and seem him and the Realtor kissing, he looked my way and smirked.

"What up?" He asked casually

"Come check the front out, I think this is the place." I said

He looked at the Realtor and chuckled as he walked to the front with me, I folded my arms and watched as he looked around.

"We definitely need a bar in here." He said

"TittyBar maybe." I smirked

"Hell yea." He agreed

"We can put the score board here under the felt of the Pool Table." He said standing in the most spacious area

"Still stuck on the titty bar idea." I laughed

"I'll get the titties if you got the bar." He offered

"They gotta be nice titties though, like, no flappy shit." I said

"Nigga, I know this." He chuckled

"We'll take it." I said turning to the Realtor

"Its only for Rent though." She said

I turned to Sonny and he gave a sly grin as he looked at her

"Or, I can buy it off your hands, it'd be no problem either way."

"Its 52k to be bought." She stated

"What you think we can't afford it?" Sonny asked raising his eyebrow

"Not a bunch of high school kids." She said

"Ohhh so I'm a kid when it comes to buying a place, but not getting my dick sucked by you? Damn that shit don't add up." He sneered

I laughed and looked at the two as they talked, they eventually came to an agreement and Sonny wrote her the check for the apartment, she gave us the key and I laughed at him as we walked out to the car.

"You wrong for that shit yo."

"No I'm not." He shrugged

"Just a lil bit, hurt the poor girl feelings." I said shaking him

"I could tell." He said

"Exactly." I said getting in the car

We headed to another side of town to order all of the shit we were gonna put in the team house, Sonny called his brothers and had then meet us over at the furniture depot. We got the shit we needed and had the moving trucks follow us back to the apartment, we made it and started moving everything in, as we moved it in we made sure to arrange it how we wanted it to be. The boys fixed up the bedrooms and we paid the people and then they left, Sonny and I grabbed the new score chart and laid it in the pool table frame gently. We put the pool felt back on top and put the pool balls in the triangle formation and then went to take a walk around the apartment and check it out.

"Now all we need is a titty bar." Timothy said

I chuckled and looked over at Sonny who just tipped his head and smirked

"Once again I got the titties if someone else has the bar." He said

We all looked over at Mike and he raised his eyebrows.


"You're the only one who can get the liquor without them carding you." Austin said sitting in the recliner

"Sonny could." Mike countered

"Nah, already tried, apparently I don't look 21." He said falling on the couch

"Damnit! I'll go get it then." Mike said

"I'll get the bitches." Sonny smirked

We all laughed and he got off the couch and went in the back to talk on the phone, the guys and I went and sat at the round table and started playing dominoes. Sonny finally came out the back and flipped a chair as he sat watching us play and leaned on the back of it.

"I got next." He said

"What about the bitches?" Riley asked

"On their way." Sonny said

"Good then." I nodded

Anthony dominoed and Austin moved away from the table as Sonny sat down, I washed the dominoes around and we all drew from the pile. Sonny laid down the big six and we all played from there, after about an hour Mike finally came back with the liquor and told us that he'd seen a group of girls headed this way.

"They're prolly here for me." Timothy smirked

"Maybe for Sunshine, but not you pussyboy." I said popping him in the back of the head

He pushed me away from him and I chuckled as I got up from the table and walked to one of the rooms and hopped in the shower.

After I got out of the shower, I got dressed and went back to the front, I seen the girls and smirked.

"Well, hi there." I said

They turned around and waved, I grinned and sat down beside the Strawberry Blonde, she smiled shyly and looked down, I nudged her shoulder and she looked at me.

"Hey beautiful." I said

"Hi." She said

"I'm Kris." I said holding my hand out

"I'm Hailey." She said shaking my hand

"That's a pretty name." I said

"Thank you."

I nodded and she and I talked for a little while, the others left to go to the boardwalk, but we decided to stay behind and 'talk' it was a very nice conversation too.

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