Riley Valentine

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Hi there, I'm Riley, but my brothers call me Rile and a lot of my friends do as well, I'm 17 but that doesn't mean I can't have any woman I please, yes I'm a pretty boy and I've come to know that I can get just about anything I want just by flashing a smile. I play Baseball for my school and I'm currently off of the team because of the recent move we had. Don't worry though, I will be back and I'm going to be just as good as ever. Back to my back story though, I'm the second youngest brother of the family, my brother Sonny passed me by just a year but doesn't change anything, I still have a brother to tease and piss off. We live in the suburbs of Kline County, we live with both of our parents but our dad is hardly ever home, me and Sonny know about his other family but we don't really care, that's his business and if he doesn't want us to know then nothing is going to be said about it. I think my brother Sonny and I are the closest to one another than we are with either of our brothers, I guess its because we're a lot alike, the girls love him because of his bad boy attitude and they love me because I'm a pretty boy so we get girls from each other, I'm his wingman and he's mine, we're currently tied in the game and its only because we help each other get girls. I've gotten 7 girls from him just being himself, he'll introduce us if he has more than three girls with him and I'll end up charming my way into her pants. He and I are the masterminds behind the entire game, we started it when we were back in middle school, our brothers Michael and Austin didn't join until a few years back, since then we've been in constant competition. Don't get us confused with any other player though, we're educated and understand what it is we're doing, we care about how the girls feel and shit, but that's only the ones we have to work really hard to get into her pants. I'd call myself a gentleman and the others are just whatever they want to call themselves, fucken idiots, but yeah, that's all I have to say about myself.

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