The Agreement

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Sonny's P.o.V

My brothers and I laid around the living room watching Riley get his ass whooped in 2k by Austin.

"You're cheating yo!" Riley said jumping off the couch and pushing the buttons on the controller aggressively.

"Dude chill, it's just a game." Mike said laughing

"Shut the hell up Michael!" Riley said shooting him a dirty glare.

"Why you mad yo?" Austin teased

He dunked the ball as the buzzer sounded and jumped off the couch and stood in Riley's face.

"What's that!?! Game over bitch!" He teased

Riley pushed him and tossed the controller on the couch as he walked over to the recliner and sat down, I grabbed the controller and Austin gave the other to Mikey, we started a game and was playing the 3rd quarter when Mom came inside.

"Hey Boys." She said

"Hey Ma." I said glancing back

I see my cousin Anthony and his brother Timothy and turned completely around.

"What the f..." I stopped myself

"What are they doing here?" Mike asked not turning around

"Diane was having an issue taking care of them so she asked me to take over for her." Mom replied

"And you agreed?" I asked

"Yes, they're still family, remember that Sonny." She said genuinely

"I know that, but where the hell are they going to sleep? I refuse to share my room." I stated

"You're still hateful as ever aren't you Sonny?" Timothy sneered

I gave him a disgusted look and looked him up and down.

"You're still as little of a bitch as ever aren't you Timothy?" I quipped

Mikey elbowed me in the side and I looked at him, he showed me his phone and I nodded and got off the couch, Riley and Austin followed suit and we headed upstairs. Anthony tried to follow us and Michael stopped him

"Where you going?" He questioned

"Upstairs with y'all." He said

"Nah, this is strictly between us."

"Why can't I come though." He asked

"Because I said so." Mikey said coming upstairs

We all piled into his room and shut the door

"So here's the deal, Laurens throwing a birthday party tonight and apparently her sister got a few of her model friends to come." Mike said sitting down

"Any insight on what these 'models' look like?" I asked with quotations

"Yeah she's sendinh me the pics now." He said

"Good then." Austin nodded

"While we wait, why don't address the issue at hand?" Riley said sitting up

"What he said. How the hell are we going to get anything done with those two snooping around?" I asked

Mikey sat in thought and ran his hands through his hair.

"Yeah we have to figure out how to get shit past them, especially the girls."

"We can always use the big ass shed out back." Riley said shrugging

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