Timothy Valentine

36 2 0

Hi, I'm Timothy, I'm 18 and let's just say, I follow closely in my cousin Sonny's footsteps seeing as he's a bad boy, I seen how much girls liked it and figured, hey ! Why don't I be one just like him. I got my hair cut similar to his, I talk like he does and I try to act as he does. The only advantage he has over any of us guys, is that he has tattoos, it just gives the girls a reason to touch on him. I'm not hating on the kid though, he plays his cards very well and because of it, he gets any and every girl he chooses. I tried getting a tattoo once but never got it finished, the needle hurt like a bitch, I don't see how he can stand that shit all on his neck and shit, I almost turned into a bitch getting my first one. I look up to Sonny though, he controls shit just as well as the other three. Riley on the other hand, I have nothing but reslect for him, he's a pretty motherfucker that uses it to his every advantage. Then there Austin and Michael, since Austin is the youngest he gets all girls, apparently baby faces are best when getting pussy, and Michael doesn't even have to do shit, he's the oldest and since bitches are into that kind of shit, he gets practically any pussy, him being football captain only adds to the way pussy flows to him, hopefully when I step on the scene that will all change for the better.

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