Brother Bonding

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Riley's P.o.V

My brothers and I ran through the house shooting one another with Nerf guns, Sonny pressed his back against the wall opposite of me and I nodded my head for us to move out. I ran out just as Mike popped up from behind the couch, he shot at me and dodged it just as it brushed the small curl on my forehead.

"Ha! You missed me bitch!" I yelled as I shot him in the cheek

He fell and pretended he was in pain, I jumped over the couch and shot him in the chest.

"Surrender and we'll spare your partners life." I said pointing to Sonny holding Austin hostage

"Never." Mikey growled

"Just surrender!!" Austin yelled

I looked at Mike and put my foot on his chest.

"Surrender you motherfucker." I snarled

"I will never." He spat

"Sonny kill him!" I ordered

Sonny pretended to snap Austins neck and he fell to the ground, I looked back at Mikey and sneered

"Your pride cost your partner his life, you stubborn piece of shit."

He glared at me and gave a shy grin as he looked at me.

"Shoot me you bastard!"

"No! Surrender!" I yelled

"You don't have the balls to do it!" He screamed

Sonny came around and shot him between the eyes, I looked at him and shook his hand

"Good looking out Cadet."

We all laughed and I helped Mikey up as I stepped off of him.

"I call a rematch." He said


We all scattered around the house and refilled our ammo,Sonny and I kneeled in the hall and loaded our guns

"Ready to destroy these sons of bitches?"

"Yezzzer!" He said nodding his head

We jumped out and instantly began firing at one another, I ducked behind the counter and reloaded, Sonny crouched by me and snuck into the living room, he grabbed their ammo stash and hurried back.

"Halt!" Mike yelled

Sonny looked back and Mike shot him in the neck, Sonny fell and slid the case to me.

" me." He said gasping for breath

I growled and grabbed the Ammo case and running out of the kitchen, I ran into cover in the hall and reloaded, I seen Mike peek around the corner and prepared to fire.

"Give up now and I won't shoot." He said around the corner

"No! You killed my partner." I said

"We'll give him proper burial if you give up now." He negotiated

"I refuse!" I said firing wildly

I ran out and Austin sliced my throat with a fake knife, I gasped and grasped at him as I fell.


Mike ran in the hall and kicked me down into the floor and shot my in the chest.

"All you had to do was give up!!" He spat

I closed my eyes for a minute and laughed as I opened them and got up.

"Alright so since we're tied up, no one has to suffer."

We went in the foyer and seen Sonny was still on the floor, Mike kicked him and we all smacked our lips.

"This nigga fell asleep." Austin said

"Got something for that ass." Mikey said

"Water?" I asked


I went in the kitchen and got a deep boiler and filled it with Ice cold water, we all tipped it over and splashed the water on Sonny. He jumped up and looked at us.

"What the fuck!!" He screamed

"Wake that ass up boy." I laughed

"Y'all a bunch of dicks." He said walking upstairs

We all laughed and watched as he slipped up the stairs, he gave us the finger and went in his room. Mike, Austin and I busted out laughing and went and sat in the living room.

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