Making Moves

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Riley's P.o.V

Sonny and I walked through the hallway talking and we spotted Lilah and Stormy talking to one another against the corner lockers. We walked over smoothly and the girls gave us small grins

"Hey Riley." Lilah said softly

"Hey Lilah." I waved

Sonny made his way over to Stormy smiled as they talked, I turned my attention back to Lilah.

"How do you like the school?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets

"It's very nice actually, the boys are the sweetest." She said winking at me

"Is that so?" I asked

"It is." She said laughing

"Well in that case, how about you and I get a little closer to one another?" I said stepping closer and stroking her cheek.

She placed her hand on mine and looked me in the eyes, I gave a small smile and kissed her lips softly, she pulled away first and bit her lip as she looked at me. I flashed a quick smile and kissed her once again, this one longer than the last, she grabbed my hoodie and pulled me closer to her. I pulled back and put my forehead on hers as I looked at her.

"We can pick up at my place." I said brushing past her nose and kissing her again

She nodded and I drew away from kiss and guided her to my car, we got in and I drove back to the house, I got out the car and opened her side. She got out and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down into a sloppy kiss, I pushed her against the car and kissed down her neck, she laid her head back exhaled. I picked her up and carried her over to the team house, I typed in the code and carried her inside. I laid her on the couch and stopped kissing her as I pulled my shirt off.



Mike's P.o.V

I parked the car in the drive way and jogged to the back of the house, I typed the code in and walked inside, I seen Riley and a girl and shut the door quietly as I creeped past them, I got out my laptop and grabbed the marked and got up and marked a tally by Riley's name. I chuckled to myself and started typing on the computer, Sonny busted in the door with a girl and he looked right at me and then at Riley

"Seriously!?!" He whispered

I nodded and he growled and rolled his eyes as he and the girl went over to the beds in the for corner. I got up and marked a tally by Sonny's name and sat back down and went back to work on my computer. After a while Austin came in and shut the door, he came in and sat across from me.

"How long these niggas been at it?" He whispered

"Uhm Riley was here when I got here and Sonny been here for about 20 minutes." I said quietly

"Well ain't that some shit." He said tapping on the table softly

"Yes." I laughed

He and I talked silently for a little while and Riley looked over the back over the couch and chuckled

"Pervs." He joked

"Shut up." I said tipping my head back at Sonny

"I didn't know he was here." He said skdtky

"Got here not long after I did." I shrugged

"Oh then when'd you get here?" He questioned

"30 maybe 35 minutes ago." I said shrugging

"Ohh gotcha." He said snapping his fingers.

"Need to get her out of here, we got a meeting once Sonny is done and the others get back." I said looking at him

He nodded and got off the couch, he said something to her and she got up and got dressed, he walked her out and I heard his car start. I relaxed back in my chair and waited for Sonny to finish up, he finally did and he walked the girl out, she kissed him and he shut the door. He brushed the couch off and took a seat.

"At least put some pants on you nasty bastard." Austin spoke

"Shut up." Sonny said giving him the finger

Anthony, Timothy and Riley all came in the team house and took a seat around the table, Sonny sat down across from me and raked his fingers through his hair.

"Meeting is for?" He said

"I'm not sure, Riley called this meeting." I said

"Well, what's it for?" Sonny asked

"Potential pussy." He said slapping the table

We all leaned forward and looked at him for him to go on, pulled out a 6" binder and flipped it open

"This here is the key to us getting any and every girl we want." He said pointing at the book

I slid the book over to myself and looked through it, the book contained pictures and names of girls in the area, which school they attended and how old they were. I slid the book over to Sonny and he scanned through it.

"This is nice." He said

"Give me a few hours and I can have us a website set up for something like this." Sonny said

"Well you work on that and we'll start categorizing them." Riley said grabbing the book back

"How'd you come up with this shit?" I asked

"I'm smart." He smirked

"Aren't we all?" Sonny said relaxing back in his chair

Someone knocked on the door and we all looked at one another, and Sonny jumped and opened the door a crack.

"Yes?" He said

"Michael here? Your Mom said she figured you guys were back here." Said a shrill voice

"Yeah." Sonny said looking back and waving me over

I got up and walked to the door, I seen my friend Melissa and smiled as I walked outside the team house. She and I talked for a little while and I walked her back around front, she let my hand go and kissed my cheek.

I grinned and jogged back to the Team House and walked in on the guys having a conversation.

"Got a lil pooon tang today, she rode dick like she was on a gah damn horse." Sonny laughed

"Sonny shut up." I said looking at him

"Just mad you didn't get any." He smirked

"Never that." I said sitting down and flipping on the TV

"You have been a couple times, now don't get me wrong." Riley butted in

Everyone laughed and Sonny's phone vibrated loud on the table and we all looked at him, he grabbed the phone and answered the phone.

"Hello." He said putting the phone to his ear, "Nah I'm not busy, just sitting around with my brothers." He looked at all of us and pushed Riley away from his ear. "Yeah I can come get you,where ya at?" He said getting up and getting dressed, "Give me about 20 minutes and I'll be there." He said hanging up

"Was that the Poon calling?" I teased

"Matter of fact it was." He said smirking and walking out the door

We all looked at each other and gave dirty looks to one another.

"May as well leave before he gets back." I said getting up

Everyone followed suit and we turned the lights out and locked the system. We piled into Austin's truck and headed up town to scope out the new girls on the college campus.

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