forty two.

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Yoongi attempted to conceal all emotion from his face, eyes staring blankly at the luxury wallpaper on the wall.

He swallowed harshly as he clasped his hands behind his back, eyes turning to stare at the dimpled guard who had allowed him in.

He was standing by the entrance of the large study, face void of any expression as he held his chest high.

Yoongi tried to ignore the pretty omega standing to his right, glancing only briefly at Jimin who appeared deeply worried.

His scent made Yoongi's head fuzzy, made him feel like he was suffocating in the large room.

The second Jeongguk stormed past the double doors in a hurry, Yoongi knew he could no longer back out.

However his feelings of regret grew nonexistent at the sight of the king's sunken eyes and disheveled clothing.

His hair was untamed, as if he had been running his fingers through it all day.

Yoongi didn't know why Taehyung had run away from the palace, didn't know if he was hurting the omega instead of helping him.

But the sight of Jeongguk looking so lost, so downright defeated made Yoongi open his mouth once and for all.

Jeongguk seemed almost relieved to see him, eyes wide and intense as he listened to every word that fell from his lips.

He had been incredibly silent the entire time, jaw locked as his breathing became labored at something particular Yoongi had said.

"Did you give them to him? The flowers?" He asked suddenly, making Yoongi cut his story abruptly.

He could hear Jimin's pitiful sigh at Jeongguk's voice, making him suddenly regret he ever did.

"Yes, I didn't know Taehyung was missing at the time."

It was dead silent, Yoongi swallowed harshly when the sound of claws scraping against a desk filled his ears.

He knew if he were to look up and meet the king's gaze, his eyes would be blood red.

The second he mentioned Hoseok's words about courting someone, the king was slamming his fists onto the desk behind him, startling Jimin who jumped.

Yoongi prioritized explaining how naive Taehyung had always been, probably had yet to even realize Hoseok was in love with him and that was why he had felt safe going to him.

"Gguk he has a mate mark. I doubt the other alpha would try anything stupid." Jimin tried to reason with his cousin in attempts to calm him down.

Jeongguk's gaze snapped to Jimin who was standing to Yoongi's right, making the omega's breathing hitch at the emotion behind his eyes.

Behind the obvious rage and jealousy, he was hurt.

"Tell them to prepare my horse immediately." Jeongguk called loudly for the guard at the door to hear, making him bow and hurry off to inform the stable boy.

"Should we inform the other guards looking around the village of Taehyungie's location?" Jimin asked quickly, watching as Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair.

"No. I need to go alone." Jeongguk said immediately, making Yoongi's entire body tense at his words.

It seemed like Jimin was thinking the exact same thing, "Gguk I don't think that's a good idea-"

"I fucked up so I need to fix this. And if he gets in my way then I'll rip his throat out."

He glanced at Yoongi one last time with somewhat of a grateful nod before storming past a flabbergasted Jimin.

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